116 Bible results for “Ramoth OR gilead” from 
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  1. When Hezron was 60 years old, he married the daughter of Machir, who settled the region of Gilead. Their son Segub
  2. was the father of Jair, who ruled 23 villages in the region of Gilead.
  3. Some time later the nations of Geshur and Aram captured 60 towns in that region, including the villages that belonged to Jair, as well as the town of Kenath and the nearby villages. Everyone from the region of Gilead was a descendant of Machir.
  4. and as far east as the desert just west of the Euphrates River. They needed this much land because they owned too many cattle to keep them all in Gilead.
  5. When Saul was king, the Reuben tribe attacked and defeated the Hagrites, then took over their land east of Gilead.
  6. They were all descendants of Abihail, whose family line went back through Huri, Jaroah, Gilead, Michael, Jeshishai, Jahdo, and Buz.
  7. The people of Gad lived in the towns in the regions of Bashan and Gilead, as well as in the pastureland of Sharon.
  8. The Gershonites also received four towns from the tribe of Issachar: Kedesh, Daberath, Ramoth, and Anem, including the pastureland around them.
  9. And from the tribe of Gad the Merarites received the towns of Ramoth in Gilead, Mahanaim, Heshbon, and Jazer, including the pastureland around them.
  10. The Descendants of Manasseh

    Manasseh and his Syrian wife were the parents of Asriel and Machir the father of Gilead.
  11. Ulam was the father of Bedan. These were all descendants of Gilead, the son of Machir and the grandson of Manasseh.
  12. Gilead's sister Hammolecheth was the mother of Ishhod, Abiezer, and Mahlah.
  13. When the people who lived in Jabesh in Gilead heard what the Philistines had done to Saul,
  14. Jerijah was the leader of the Hebron clan. David assigned him and 2,700 of his relatives, who were all respected family leaders, to be the officials in charge of all religious and government business in the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and East Manasseh. David found out about these men during the fortieth year of his rule, when he had a list made of all the families in the Hebron clan. They were from the town of Jazer in the territory of Gilead.
Contemporary English Version (CEV)

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35 topical index results for “Ramoth OR gilead”

JEPHTHAH : Recalled from the land of Tob by the elders of Gilead (Judges 11:5)
JEPHTHAH : Leads the army of the Gileadites against the Ephraimites (Judges 12:4)
JEPHTHAH : Leads Israel for six years, dies, and is buried in Gilead (Judges 12:7)
LABAN : Pursues Jacob, overtakes him at Mount Gilead, and covenants with him (Genesis 31:22-55)
OATH : The elders of Gilead confirm their pledge to Jephthah by (Judges 11:10)
ZELOPHEHAD : (Grandson of Gilead)
JONATHAN » Son of Saul » Buried by inhabitants of Jabesh-gilead (2 Samuel 31:11-13)
NAHASH » An Ammonite king » Defeated by Saul at Jabesh-gilead (1 Samuel 11:1-11)
PRUDENCE » INSTANCES OF » Saul, in not killing the Jabesh-gileadites (1 Samuel 11:13)