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Jesus Says The Hour For Which He Came Has Come. A Seed Must Die To Bear Fruit

20 Now some of the ones going up in order that they might worship at the Feast were Greeks[a].

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  1. John 12:20 That is, Gentiles who were Jewish proselytes or God-fearers.

26 If anyone serves Me, let him be following Me. And where I am, there also My servant will be. If anyone serves Me, the Father will honor him. 27 Now My soul has been troubled. And what should I say— ‘Father, save Me from this hour’? But for this reason I came to this hour! 28 Father, glorify Your name!”

Now Is The Judgment of This World. If I Am Lifted Up, I Will Draw All People To Myself

Then a voice came from heaven: “I both glorified it, and will again glorify it”. 29 Then the crowd, the one standing there and having heard, was saying that thunder had taken place. Others were saying, “An angel has spoken to Him”. 30 Jesus responded and said, “This voice has taken place not for My sake, but for your sakes. 31 Now is the judgment of this world! Now the ruler of this world will be cast out! 32 And if I am lifted-up[a] from the earth, I will draw all people to Myself ”. 33 Now He was saying this signifying by what-kind-of death He was going to die.

Believe In The Light While You Have The Light, That You May Become Sons of Light

34 Then the crowd responded to Him, “We heard from the Law that the Christ remains forever. How indeed do You say that ‘The Son of Man must be lifted-up[b]’? Who is this Son of Man?” 35 Then Jesus said to them, “The Light is among you for a short time longer. Be walking while you have the Light, in order that darkness may not overtake you. Indeed the one walking in the darkness does not know where he is going.

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  1. John 12:32 See 18:32. Or, exalted, as in 3:14; 8:28; and next in v 34.
  2. John 12:34 If the Messiah remains as King on earth forever, how can He be exalted to heaven? Are You talking about someone other than the Messiah? Jesus doesn’t answer because they cannot now understand that by ‘lifted-up’ He means ‘crucified’. He exhorts them to act on what they know.

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