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25 Now my days are swifter than a [a]post:
They flee away, they see no good.
26 They are passed away as the [b]swift ships;
As the eagle that swoopeth on the prey.
27 If I say, I will forget my complaint,
I will put off my sad countenance, and [c]be of good cheer;
28 I am afraid of all my sorrows,
I know that thou wilt not hold me innocent.
29 I shall be condemned;
Why then do I labor in vain?
30 If I wash myself [d]with snow water,
And [e]make my hands never so clean;
31 Yet wilt thou plunge me in the ditch,
And mine own clothes shall abhor me.

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  1. Job 9:25 Or, runner
  2. Job 9:26 Hebrew ships of reed.
  3. Job 9:27 Hebrew brighten up.
  4. Job 9:30 Another reading is, with snow.
  5. Job 9:30 Hebrew cleanse my hands with lye.