Mak 1
Haitian Creole Version
1 ¶ Men konmansman Bon Nouvèl ki pale sou Jezikri, Pitit Bondye a.
2 Nan liv pwofèt Ezayi a, men sa ki te ekri: Bondye di: Men m'ap voye mesaje m' lan devan ou. La louvri chemen an pou ou.
3 Se vwa yon nonm k'ap rele nan dezè a: Pare gran wout Seyè nou an. Plani chemen an byen plani pou li.
4 Se konsa Jan te parèt nan dezè a, li t'ap batize, li t'ap mache bay mesaj sa a: -Tounen vin jwenn Bondye. vin resevwa batèm, epi Bondye va padonnen peche nou yo.
5 Tout moun nan peyi Jide a ansanm ak tout pèp lavil Jerizalèm lan te vin jwenn li: yo te konfese peche yo devan tout moun, epi Jan te batize yo nan larivyè Jouden an.
6 Jan te mete yon rad pwal chamo sou li, ak yon sentiwon an po mare nan ren li. Se krikèt ak gato myèl li te jwenn nan bwa li te manje.
7 Li t'ap mache bay mesaj sa a: -Moun k'ap vin apre m' lan gen plis pouvwa anpil pase m'. Mwen pa bon ase pou m' ta bese demare sapat ki nan pye li.
8 Mwen menm, mwen batize nou nan dlo. Men li menm, la batize nou nan Sentespri a.
9 ¶ Menm epòk sa a, Jezi te soti Nazarèt, yon bouk nan peyi Galile. Lè sa a, Jan te batize l' nan larivyè Jouden an.
10 Antan Jezi t'ap soti nan dlo a, li wè syèl la louvri, epi Lespri Bondye a desann sou li an fòm yon pijon.
11 Li tande yon vwa ki soti nan syèl la ki di: -Ou se pitit mwen renmen anpil la. Ou fè kè m' kontan anpil.
12 Touswit apre sa, Lespri Bondye a pouse Jezi al nan dezè a.
13 Li rete la pandan karant jou, epi se la Satan vin tante l'. Jezi t'ap viv nan mitan bèt bwa yo, epi zanj Bondye yo t'ap okipe li.
14 ¶ Apre yo te fin mete Jan nan prizon, Jezi ale nan peyi Galile pou l' te fè konnen Bon Nouvèl Bondye voye a.
15 Li t'ap di yo konsa: -Jou a rive. Koulye a, Bondye ki wa nan syèl la ap vin pran pouvwa a nan men li. Tounen vin jwenn Bondye. Asepte Bon Nouvèl la.
16 Pandan Jezi t'ap mache bò lanmè Galile a, li wè de pechè pwason, Simon ak Andre, frè li a. Yo t'ap voye privye nan lanmè a.
17 Jezi di yo konsa: -vin jwenn mwen. m'a fè nou tounen pechè moun pito.
18 Lamenm, yo kite privye yo, y' ale avèk li.
19 Jezi vanse pi lwen, li wè de pitit gason Zebede yo, Jak ak Jan, frè li. Yo te chita nan kannòt yo a, yo t'ap repare privye yo.
20 Lamenm, Jezi rele yo. Yo kite Zebede, papa yo, nan kannòt la ansanm ak ouvrye yo. Y' ale avèk Jezi.
21 Apre sa, Jezi ale ak disip li yo nan yon lavil yo rele Kapènawòm. Jou repo a, Jezi antre nan sinagòg la; li kòmanse moutre moun yo anpil bagay.
22 Yo te sezi tande sa l' t'ap moutre yo. Se pa t' menm jan avèk dirèktè lalwa yo, paske li te pale ak yo tankou yon moun ki otorize.
23 ¶ Lè sa a, yon nonm ki te gen yon move lespri sou li vin antre nan sinagòg la, li pran rele:
24 -ey Jezi, moun Nazarèt, kisa nou gen avè ou? Ou vin isit la pou detwi nou? Mwen konnen byen pwòp ki moun ou ye. Ou se moun Bondye chwazi a.
25 Jezi pale byen fò ak move lespri ki te sou nonm lan, li di li: -Pe la! Soti sou nonm sa a.
26 Move lespri a souke nonm lan byen souke, li bay yon gwo rèl, epi li soti, li ale.
27 Tout moun yo te sitèlman sezi, yonn t'ap mande lòt: -Sa sa ye la a menm! Sa se yon lòt bagay l'ap moutre nou la a. Menm move lespri yo, li pase yo lòd ak otorite, yo obeyi li.
28 Se tout moun ki t'ap nonmen non l' nan peyi Galile a.
29 ¶ Apre sa, yo soti kite sinagòg la, y' ale ansanm ak Jak ak Jan lakay Simon ak Andre.
30 Bèlmè Simon an te kouche ak lafyèv. Rive Jezi rive lakay la, yo di l' sa.
31 Lè sa a, li pwoche bò madanm lan, li pran men l', li fè l' leve. Latou, lafyèv la kite l', epi madanm lan resevwa yo.
32 Aswè, apre solèy fin kouche, yo mennen tout moun malad yo ansanm ak tou sa ki te gen move lespri sou yo bay Jezi.
33 Tout moun lavil la te sanble devan pòt kay la.
34 Lè sa a, Jezi te geri anpil moun ki te soufri divès maladi; li te chase anpil move lespri. Men, li pa t' kite move lespri yo pale, paske yo te konnen ki moun li te ye.
35 Nan granmaten, byen bonè, li pa t' ankò fè klè, Jezi leve, li soti li kite lavil la, li al yon kote ki pa gen moun. La li t'ap lapriyè.
36 Simon ak lòt zanmi l' yo soti, yo t'ap chache Jezi.
37 Lè yo jwenn li, yo di l' konsa: -Tout moun ap chache ou wi.
38 Men li reponn yo: -Ann al yon lòt kote, nan lòt bouk yo nan vwazinaj la. Fòk mwen fè yo konnen mesaj la tou. Se pou sa menm mwen vini.
39 Se konsa li te ale toupatou nan peyi Galile, li t'ap mache bay mesaj la nan sinagòg yo, li t'ap chase move lespri yo.
40 ¶ Yon nonm ki te gen lalèp vin jwenn Jezi; li tonbe ajenou devan li, li mande l' sekou; li di l' konsa: -Si ou vle, ou kapab geri mwen.
41 Kè Jezi fè l' mal, li lonje men l', li manyen nonm lan, li di li: -Wi, mwen vle ou geri.
42 Menm lè a, lalèp la kite l', li geri, li te nan kondisyon pou fè sèvis Bondye.
43 Apre sa, Jezi voye l' ale, li pase l' lòd byen sevè.
44 Li di l' konsa: -Piga ou pale sa ak pesonn. Men, al fè prèt la wè ki jan ou ye. Apre sa, wa ofri sa Moyiz te bay lòd pou ofri a. Konsa wa bay tout moun prèv ou geri.
45 Men, nonm lan pati, li pran mache fè konnen bagay la toupatou. Li sitèlman gaye nouvèl la, Jezi pa t' kapab antre ankò nan okenn lavil pou moun pa t' wè li. Li te pito rete andeyò, kote ki pa gen moun. Men, moun te soti toupatou vin jwenn li.
Mark 1
Holman Christian Standard Bible
The Messiah’s Herald
1 The beginning(A) of the gospel(B) of Jesus Christ, the Son of God.(C) 2 As it is written in Isaiah(D) the prophet:[a](E)
Look, I am sending My messenger(F) ahead of You,
who will prepare Your way.[b]
3 A voice of one crying out in the wilderness:(G)
Prepare the way for the Lord;(H)
make His paths straight!(I)[c]
4 John came baptizing[d](J) in the wilderness(K) and preaching a baptism of repentance[e](L) for the forgiveness(M) of sins.(N) 5 The whole Judean countryside and all the people of Jerusalem(O) were flocking to him, and they were baptized by him in the Jordan(P) River as they confessed(Q) their sins.(R) 6 John wore a camel-hair garment with a leather belt around his waist and ate locusts(S) and wild honey.(T) 7 He was preaching: “Someone more powerful(U) than I will come after me.(V) I am not worthy(W) to stoop down and untie the strap of His sandals.(X) 8 I have baptized you with[f] water,(Y) but He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit.”(Z)
The Baptism of Jesus
9 In(AA) those days Jesus came from Nazareth(AB) in Galilee(AC) and was baptized in the Jordan by John. 10 As soon as He came up out of the water, He saw the heavens(AD) being torn open and the Spirit descending to Him like a dove. 11 And a voice(AE) came from heaven:(AF)
The Temptation of Jesus
12 Immediately(AJ) the Spirit(AK) drove(AL) Him into the wilderness.(AM) 13 He was in the wilderness 40 days, being tempted(AN) by Satan.(AO) He was with the wild animals,(AP) and the angels(AQ) began to serve Him.
Ministry in Galilee
14 After(AR) John was arrested,(AS) Jesus went to Galilee,(AT) preaching(AU) the good news[h][i](AV) of God:[j](AW) 15 “The time(AX) is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God(AY) has come(AZ) near.(BA) Repent(BB) and believe(BC) in the good news!”
The First Disciples
16 As(BD) He was passing along by the Sea of Galilee,(BE) He saw Simon(BF) and Andrew,(BG) Simon’s brother. They were casting a net into the sea,(BH) since they were fishermen.
17 “Follow Me,”(BI) Jesus told them, “and I will make you fish for[k](BJ) people!”(BK) 18 Immediately they left their nets and followed(BL) Him.(BM) 19 Going on a little farther, He saw James(BN) the son of Zebedee(BO) and his brother John.(BP) They were in their boat mending their nets. 20 Immediately He called them, and they left their father Zebedee in the boat with the hired men and followed Him.(BQ)
Driving Out an Unclean Spirit
21 Then(BR) they went into Capernaum,(BS) and right away He entered the synagogue(BT) on the Sabbath(BU) and began to teach.(BV) 22 They were astonished(BW) at His teaching(BX) because, unlike the scribes,(BY) He was teaching them as one having authority.
23 Just then a man with an unclean(BZ) spirit(CA) was in their synagogue.(CB) He cried out,[l] 24 “What do You have to do with us,[m] Jesus—Nazarene?(CC) Have You come to destroy(CD) us? I know who You are—the Holy(CE) One of God!”(CF)
25 But Jesus rebuked(CG) him and said, “Be quiet,[n](CH) and come out of him!” 26 And the unclean spirit convulsed him,(CI) shouted with a loud voice, and came out of him.
27 Then they were all amazed,(CJ) so they began to argue(CK) with one another, saying, “What is this? A new teaching(CL) with authority He commands even the unclean(CN) spirits,(CO) and they obey Him.” 28 News about Him then spread throughout the entire vicinity of Galilee.(CP)
Healings at Capernaum
29 As(CQ) soon as they left the synagogue,(CR) they went into Simon(CS) and Andrew’s(CT) house(CU) with James(CV) and John.(CW) 30 Simon’s mother-in-law was lying in bed with a fever, and they told Him about her at once. 31 So He went to her, took her by the hand, and raised her up.(CX) The fever(CY) left her,[p] and she began to serve(CZ) them.(DA)
32 When(DB) evening came, after the sun had set, they began bringing to Him all those who were sick(DC) and those who were demon-possessed.(DD) 33 The whole town was assembled at the door, 34 and He healed(DE) many who were sick with various diseases(DF) and drove out(DG) many demons.(DH) But He would not permit the demons to speak, because they knew Him.(DI)
Preaching in Galilee
35 Very(DJ) early in the morning, while it was still dark, He got up, went out, and made His way to a deserted place.(DK) And He was praying(DL) there. 36 Simon(DM) and his companions went searching for Him. 37 They found Him and said, “Everyone’s looking for You!”
38 And He said to them, “Let’s go on to the neighboring villages so that I may preach(DN) there too. This is why I have come.” 39 So He went into all of Galilee,(DO) preaching in their synagogues(DP) and driving out demons.
A Man Cleansed
40 Then(DQ) a man with a serious skin disease(DR) came to Him and, on his knees,[q](DS) begged Him: “If You are willing, You can make me clean.”(DT)
41 Moved with compassion,(DU) Jesus reached out His hand and touched(DV) him. “I am willing,” He told him. “Be made clean.” 42 Immediately the disease(DW) left him, and he was healed.[r] 43 Then He sternly warned(DX) him and sent him away(DY) at once, 44 telling him, “See that you say nothing to anyone;(DZ) but go and show(EA) yourself to the priest,(EB) and offer(EC) what Moses prescribed for your cleansing,(ED) as a testimony(EE) to them.” 45 Yet he went out and began to proclaim(EF) it widely and to spread the news,(EG) with the result that Jesus could no longer enter a town openly. But He was out in deserted places, and they would come to Him from everywhere.
- Mark 1:2 Other mss read in the prophets
- Mark 1:2 Other mss add before You
- Mark 1:3 Is 40:3; Mal 3:1
- Mark 1:4 Or John the Baptist came, or John the Baptizer came
- Mark 1:4 Or a baptism based on repentance
- Mark 1:8 Or in
- Mark 1:11 Or In You I am well pleased
- Mark 1:14 Other mss add of the kingdom
- Mark 1:14 Or gospel
- Mark 1:14 Either from God or about God
- Mark 1:17 Lit you to become fishers of
- Mark 1:23 Other mss add to the beginning of v. 24: “Leave us alone.
- Mark 1:24 Lit What to us and to You
- Mark 1:25 Or Be muzzled
- Mark 1:27 Other mss read What is this? What is this new teaching? For with authority
- Mark 1:31 Other mss add at once
- Mark 1:40 Other mss omit on his knees
- Mark 1:42 Lit made clean
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