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(By Solomon.)

A Prayer for God To Guide and Help the King

Please help the king
to be honest and fair
    just like you, our God.
Let him be honest and fair
with all your people,
    especially the poor.
Let peace and justice rule
    every mountain and hill.
Let the king defend the poor,
rescue the homeless, and crush
    everyone who hurts them.
Let the king live[a] forever
    like the sun and the moon.
Let him be as helpful as rain
that refreshes the meadows
    and the ground.
Let the king be fair
    with everyone,
and let there be peace
until the moon
    falls from the sky.

(A) Let his kingdom reach
    from sea to sea,
from the Euphrates River
    across all the earth.
Force the desert tribes
    to accept his rule,
and make his enemies
    crawl in the dirt.
10 Force the rulers of Tarshish[b]
and of the islands
    to pay taxes to him.
Make the kings of Sheba
    and of Seba[c] bring gifts.
11 Make other rulers bow down
    and all nations serve him.

12 Do this because the king
rescues the homeless
    when they cry out,
and he helps everyone
    who is poor and in need.
13 The king has pity
on the weak and the helpless
    and protects those in need.
14 He cares when they hurt,
and he saves them from cruel
    and violent deaths.

15 Long live the king!
    Give him gold from Sheba.
Always pray for the king
    and praise him each day.
16 Let cities overflow with food
and hills be covered with grain,
    just like Mount Lebanon.
Let the people in the cities
    prosper like wild flowers.
17 May the glory of the king
shine brightly forever
    like the sun in the sky.
Let him make nations prosper
    and learn to praise him.

18 Lord God of Israel,
we praise you.
    Only you can work miracles.
19 We will always praise
    your glorious name.
Let your glory be seen
everywhere on earth.
    Amen and amen.

20 This ends the prayers
    of David, the son of Jesse.


(Psalms 73–89)

(A psalm by Asaph.)

God Is Good

God is truly good to Israel,[d]
especially to everyone
    with a pure heart.
But I almost stumbled and fell,
    because it made me jealous
to see proud and evil people
    and to watch them prosper.
They never have to suffer,[e]
    they stay healthy,
and they don't have troubles
    like everyone else.

Their pride is like a necklace,
and they commit sin more often
    than they dress themselves.
Their eyes bulge with fat,
and their minds are flooded
    with foolish thoughts.
They sneer and say cruel things,
and because of their pride,
    they make violent threats.
They dare to speak against God
    and to order others around.

10 God will bring his people back,
and they will drink the water
    he so freely gives.[f]

11 Only evil people would say,
“God Most High cannot
    know everything!”
12 Yet all goes well for them,
    and they live in peace.
13 What good did it do me
to keep my thoughts pure
    and refuse to do wrong?
14 I am sick all day,
and I am punished
    each morning.
15 If I had said evil things,
I would not have been loyal
    to your people.

16 It was hard for me
    to understand all this!
17 Then I went to your temple,
    and there I understood
what will happen
    to my enemies.
18 You will make them stumble,
    never to get up again.
19 They will be terrified,
suddenly swept away
    and no longer there.
20 They will disappear, Lord,
despised like a bad dream
    the morning after.

21 Once I was bitter
    and brokenhearted.
22 I was stupid and ignorant,
and I treated you
    as a wild animal would.
23 But I never really left you,
    and you hold my right hand.
24 Your advice has been my guide,
and later you will welcome me
    in glory.[g]
25 In heaven I have only you,
and on this earth
    you are all I want.
26 My body and mind may fail,
but you are my strength
    and my choice forever.

27 All-Powerful Lord God,
those who stay far from you
    will be lost,
and you will destroy those
    who are unfaithful.
28 It is good for me
    to be near you.
I choose you as my protector,
and I will tell about
    your wonderful deeds.


  1. 72.5 Let the king live: One ancient translation; Hebrew “Let them worship you.”
  2. 72.10 Tarshish: Possibly a city in Spain.
  3. 72.10 Sheba … Seba: Sheba may have been a place in what is now southwest Arabia, and Seba may have been in southern Arabia.
  4. 73.1 to Israel: Or “to those who do right.”
  5. 73.4 They … suffer: Or “They die a painless death.”
  6. 73.10 gives: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 10.
  7. 73.24 in glory: Or “with honor.”

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