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(A song and a psalm for the music leader.)

Shout Praises to God

Tell everyone on this earth
    to shout praises to God!
Sing about his glorious name.
    Honor him with praises.
Say to God, “Everything you do
    is fearsome,
and your mighty power makes
    your enemies come crawling.
You are worshiped by everyone!
    We all sing praises to you.”

Come and see the fearsome things
    our God has done!
(A) When God made the sea dry up,
    our people walked across,
and because of him,
    we celebrated there.
His mighty power rules forever,
    and nothing the nations do
can be hidden from him.
    So don't turn against God.

All of you people,
come praise our God!
    Let his praises be heard.
God protects us from death
    and keeps us steady.

10 Our God, you tested us,
    just as silver is tested.
11 You trapped us in a net
    and gave us heavy burdens.
12 You sent war chariots
    to crush our skulls.
We traveled through fire
    and through floods,
but you brought us
    to a land of plenty.

13 I will bring sacrifices
    into your house, my God,
and I will do what I promised
14     when I was in trouble.
15 I will sacrifice my best sheep
and offer bulls and goats
    on your altar.

16 All who worship God,
    come here and listen;
I will tell you everything
    God has done for me.
17 I prayed to the Lord,
    and I praised him.
18 If my thoughts had been sinful,
he would have refused
    to hear me.
19 But God did listen
    and answered my prayer.
20 Let's praise God!
He listened when I prayed,
    and he is always kind.

(A psalm and a song for the music leader. Use with stringed instruments.)

Tell the Nations To Praise God

Our God, be kind and bless us!
    Be pleased and smile.
Then everyone on earth
    will learn to follow you,
and all nations will see
    your power to save us.

Make everyone praise you
    and shout your praises.
Let the nations celebrate
    with joyful songs,
because you judge fairly
    and guide all nations.
Make everyone praise you, God,
    and shout your praises.

Our God has blessed the earth
    with a wonderful harvest!
Pray for his blessings
    to continue
and for everyone on earth
    to worship our God.

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