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(Psalms 107–150)

The Lord Is Good to His People

(A) Shout praises to the Lord!
He is good to us,
    and his love never fails.
Everyone the Lord has rescued
from trouble
    should praise him,
everyone he has brought
from the east and the west,
    the north and the south.[a]

Some of you were lost
in the scorching desert,
    far from a town.
You were hungry and thirsty
    and about to give up.
You were in serious trouble,
but you prayed to the Lord,
    and he rescued you.
At once he brought you
    to a town.
You should praise the Lord
    for his love
and for the wonderful things
    he does for all of us.
To everyone who is thirsty,
    he gives something to drink;
to everyone who is hungry,
    he gives good things to eat.

10 Some of you were prisoners
suffering in deepest darkness
    and bound by chains,
11 because you had rebelled
against God Most High
    and refused his advice.
12 You were worn out
from working like slaves,
    and no one came to help.
13 You were in serious trouble,
but you prayed to the Lord,
    and he rescued you.
14 He brought you out
of the deepest darkness
    and broke your chains.

15 You should praise the Lord
    for his love
and for the wonderful things
    he does for all of us.
16 He breaks down bronze gates
    and shatters iron locks.

17 Some of you had foolishly
committed a lot of sins
    and were in terrible pain.
18 The very thought of food
was disgusting to you,
    and you were almost dead.
19 You were in serious trouble,
but you prayed to the Lord,
    and he rescued you.
20 By the power of his own word,
he healed you and saved you
    from destruction.

21 You should praise the Lord
    for his love
and for the wonderful things
    he does for all of us.
22 You should celebrate
    by offering sacrifices
and singing joyful songs
    to tell what he has done.

23 Some of you made a living
    by sailing the mighty sea,
24 and you saw the miracles
    the Lord performed there.
25 At his command a storm arose,
    and waves covered the sea.
26 You were tossed to the sky
    and to the ocean depths,
until things looked so bad
    that you lost your courage.
27 You staggered like drunkards
    and gave up all hope.
28 You were in serious trouble,
but you prayed to the Lord,
    and he rescued you.
29 He made the storm stop
    and the sea be quiet.
30 You were happy because of this,
and he brought you to the port
    where you wanted to go.

31 You should praise the Lord
    for his love
and for the wonderful things
    he does for all of us.
32 Honor the Lord
when you and your leaders
    meet to worship.

33 If you start doing wrong,
the Lord will turn rivers
    into deserts,
34 (B) flowing streams
    into scorched land,
and fruitful fields
    into beds of salt.

35 But the Lord can also turn
    deserts into lakes
and scorched land
    into flowing streams.
36 If you are hungry,
you can settle there
    and build a town.
37 You can plant fields
and vineyards that produce
    a good harvest.
38 The Lord will bless you
with many children
    and with herds of cattle.

39 Sometimes you may be crushed
    by troubles and sorrows,
until only a few of you
    are left to survive.
40 But the Lord will take revenge
    on those who conquer you,
and he will make them wander
    across desert sands.
41 When you are suffering
    and in need,
he will come to your rescue,
and your families will grow
    as fast as a herd of sheep.
42 You will see this because
    you obey the Lord,
but everyone who is wicked
    will be silenced.

43 Be wise! Remember this
and think about the kindness
    of the Lord.

(A song and a psalm by David.)

With God on Our Side

Our God, I am faithful to you
with all my heart,
    and you can trust me.
I will sing
and play music for you
    with all that I am.
I will start playing my harps
    before the sun rises.
I will praise you, Lord,
    for everyone to hear;
I will sing hymns to you
    in every nation.
Your love reaches higher
    than the heavens,
and your loyalty extends
    beyond the clouds.

Our God, may you be honored
    above the heavens;
may your glory be seen
    everywhere on earth.
Answer my prayers
and use your powerful arm
    to give us victory.
Then the people you love
    will be safe.

Our God, from your holy place
    you made this promise:
“I will gladly divide up
    the city of Shechem
and give away Succoth Valley
    piece by piece.
The lands of Gilead
    and Manasseh are mine.
Ephraim is my war helmet,
and Judah is my symbol
    of royal power.
Moab is merely my washbasin,
    and Edom belongs to me.
I shout with victory
    over the Philistines.”

10 Our God, who will bring me
to the fortress
    or lead me to Edom?
11 Have you rejected us?
    You don't lead our armies.
12 Help us defeat our enemies!
    No one else can rescue us.
13 Only you give us victory
    and crush our enemies.

(A psalm by David for the music leader.)

A Prayer for the Lord's Help

I praise you, God!
    Don't keep silent.
Destructive and deceitful lies
    are told about me,
and hateful things are said
    for no reason.
I had pity and prayed[b]
    for my enemies,
but their words to me
    were harsh and cruel.
For being friendly and kind,
they paid me back
    with meanness and hatred.

My enemies said,
“Find some worthless fools
    to accuse him of a crime.
Try him and find him guilty!
    Consider his prayers a lie.
(C) Cut his life short
and let someone else
    have his job.
Make orphans of his children
    and a widow of his wife;
10 make his children beg for food
    and live in the slums.

11 “Let the people he owes
take everything he owns.
    Give it all to strangers.
12 Don't let anyone be kind to him
or have pity on the children
    he leaves behind.
13 Bring an end to his family,
and from now on let him be
    a forgotten man.

14 “Don't let the Lord forgive
the sins of his parents
    and his ancestors.
15 Don't let the Lord forget
    the sins of his family,
or let anyone remember
    his family ever lived.
16 He was so cruel to the poor,
homeless, and discouraged
    that they died young.

17 “He cursed others.
    Now place a curse on him!
He never wished others well.
    Wish only trouble for him!
18 He cursed others more often
    than he dressed himself.
Let his curses strike him deep,
just as water and olive oil
    soak through to our bones.
19 Let his curses surround him,
just like the belt and clothes
    he wears each day.”

20 Those are the cruel things
my enemies wish for me.
    Let it all happen to them!
21 Be true to your name, Lord God!
Show your great kindness
    and rescue me.

22 I am poor and helpless,
    and I have lost all hope.
23 I am fading away
    like an evening shadow;
I am tossed aside
    like a crawling insect.
24 I have gone without eating,[c]
until my knees are weak,
    and my body is bony.
25 (D) When my enemies see me,
they say cruel things
    and shake their heads.

26 Please help me, Lord God!
Come and save me
    because of your love.
27 Let others know that you alone
    have saved me.
28 I don't care if they curse me,
    as long as you bless me.
You will make my enemies fail
    when they attack,
and you will make me glad
    to be your servant.
29 You will cover them with shame,
just as their bodies
    are covered with clothes.

30 I will sing your praises
and thank you, Lord,
    when your people meet.
31 You help everyone in need,
    and you save them from death.


  1. 107.3 south: The Hebrew text has “sea,” probably referring to the Mediterranean Sea.
  2. 109.4 and prayed: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  3. 109.24 without eating: See the note at 35.13.

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