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I wish that my eyes
    were fountains of tears,
so I could cry day and night
for my people
    who were killed.
I wish I could go into the desert
    and find a hiding place
from all who are treacherous
    and unfaithful to God.

The Lord Answers Jeremiah

The Lord replied:

Lies come from the mouths
of my people,
    like arrows from a bow.
With each dishonest deed
    their power increases,
and not one of them will admit
    that I am God.

Jeremiah, all your friends
    and relatives
tell lies about you,
    so don't trust them.
They wear themselves out,
always looking for a new way
    to cheat their friends.
Everyone takes advantage
    of everyone else,
and no one will admit
    that I am God.

And so I will purify
    the hearts of my people
just as gold is purified
in a furnace.
    I have no other choice.
They say they want peace,
    but this lie is deadly,
like an arrow that strikes
    when you least expect it.
Give me one good reason
not to punish them
    as they deserve.
I, the Lord All-Powerful,
    have spoken.

Jeremiah Weeps for His People

10 I weep for the pastureland
    in the hill country.
It's so barren and scorched
    that no one travels there.
No cattle can be found there,
and birds and wild animals
    have all disappeared.

11 I heard the Lord reply,
    “When I am finished,
Jerusalem and the towns of Judah
will be piles of ruins
    where only jackals[a] live.”

Why the Land Was Destroyed

12 I said to the Lord, “None of us can understand why the land has become like an uncrossable desert. Won't you explain why?”

13 The Lord said:

I destroyed the land because the people disobeyed me and rejected my laws and teachings. 14 They were stubborn and worshiped Baal,[b] just as their ancestors did. 15 So I, the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel, promise them poison to eat and drink.[c] 16 I'll scatter them in foreign countries that they and their ancestors have never even heard of. Finally, I will send enemy soldiers to kill every last one of them.

The Women Who Are Paid To Weep

17 The Lord All-Powerful said,
“Make arrangements now
for the women who are paid
    to weep at funerals,[d]
especially the women
    who can cry the loudest.”

18 The people answered,
“Let them come quickly
    and cry for us,
until our own eyes
    are flooded with tears.
19 Now those of us on Zion cry,
‘We are ruined!
    We can't stand the shame.
Our homes have been destroyed,
    and we must leave our land.’

20 “We ask you women
to pay attention
    to what the Lord says.
We will teach you a funeral song
that you can teach
    your daughters and friends:
21 ‘We were in our fortress,
but death sneaked in
    through our windows.
It even struck down
children at play
    and our strongest young men.’

22 “The Lord has told us
the ground will be covered
    with dead bodies,
like ungathered stalks of grain
    or manure in a field.”

What the Lord Likes Best

23 The Lord says:

Don't brag about your wisdom
    or strength or wealth.
24 (A) If you feel you must brag,
    then have enough sense
to brag about worshiping me,
    the Lord.
What I like best
    is showing kindness,
justice, and mercy
    to everyone on earth.

25-26 Someday I will punish the nations of Egypt, Edom, Ammon, and Moab, and the tribes of the desert.[e] The men of these nations are circumcised, but they don't worship me. And it's the same with you people of Judah. Your bodies are circumcised, but your hearts are unchanged.

The Lord Talks about Idols

10 1-2 The Lord said:

Listen to me,
    you people of Israel.
Don't follow the customs
    of those nations
who become frightened
when they see something strange
    happen in the sky.
Their religion is worthless!
They chop down a tree,
    carve the wood into an idol,
cover it with silver and gold,
and then nail it down
    so it won't fall over.

An idol is no better
    than a scarecrow.
It can't speak,
and it has to be carried,
    because it can't walk.
Why worship an idol
    that can't help or harm you?

Jeremiah Praises the Lord

Our Lord, great and powerful,
    you alone are God.
(B) You are King of the nations.
    Everyone should worship you.
No human anywhere on earth
    is wiser than you.
Idols are worthless,
and anyone who worships them
    is a fool!
Idols are made by humans.
    A carver shapes the wood.
A metalworker hammers out
a covering of gold from Uphaz
    or of silver from Tarshish.
Then the idol is dressed
    in blue and purple clothes.

10 You, Lord, are the only true
and living God.
    You will rule for all time.
When you are angry
the earth shakes,
    and nations are destroyed.

11 You told me to say
that idols did not create
    the heavens and the earth,
and that you, the Lord,
    will destroy every idol.

12 With your wisdom and power
you created the earth
    and spread out the heavens.
13 The waters in the heavens roar
    at your command.
You make clouds appear—
you send the winds
    from your storehouse
and make lightning flash
    in the rain.

14 People who make idols
    are so stupid!
They will be disappointed,
because their false gods
    are not alive.
15 Idols are merely a joke,
and when the time is right,
    they will be destroyed.

16 But you, Israel's God,
    created all things,
and you chose Israel
    to be your very own.
Your name is the Lord

Judah Will Be Thrown from Its Land

17 I said to the people of Judah,
“Gather your things;
    you are surrounded.
18 The Lord said these troubles
    will lead to your capture,
and he will throw you
from this land
    like a rock from a sling.”[f]

19 The people answered,
“We are wounded
    and doomed to die.
Why did we say
    we could stand the pain?
20 Our homes are destroyed;
    our children are dead.
No one is left
    to help us find shelter.”

21 But I told them,
“Our leaders were stupid failures,
    because they refused
    to listen to the Lord.
And so we've been scattered
    like sheep.

22 “Sounds of destruction
rumble from the north
    like distant thunder.
Soon our towns will be ruins
    where only jackals[g] live.”

Jeremiah Prays

23 I know, Lord, that we humans
are not in control
    of our own lives.
24 Correct me, as I deserve,
but not in your anger,
    or I will be dead.
25 Our enemies refuse
to admit that you are God
    or to worship you.
They have wiped out our people
and left our nation
    lying in ruins.
So get angry
    and sweep them away!

Judah Has Broken the Lord's Agreement

11 1-3 The Lord God told me to say to the people of Judah and Jerusalem:

I, the Lord, am warning you that I will put a curse on anyone who doesn't keep the agreement I made with Israel. So pay attention to what it says. My commands haven't changed since I brought your ancestors out of Egypt, a nation that seemed like a blazing furnace where iron ore is melted. I told your ancestors that if they obeyed my commands, I would be their God, and they would be my people. Then I did what I had promised and gave them this wonderful land, where you now live.

“Yes, Lord,” I replied, “that's true.”

Then the Lord told me to say to everyone on the streets of Jerusalem and in the towns of Judah:

Pay attention to the commands in my agreement with you. Ever since I brought your ancestors out of Egypt, I have been telling your people to obey me. But you and your ancestors have always been stubborn. You have refused to listen, and instead you have done whatever your sinful hearts have desired.

You have not kept the agreement we made, so I will make you suffer every curse that goes with it.

The Lord said to me:

Jeremiah, the people of Judah and Jerusalem are plotting against me. 10 They have sinned in the same way their ancestors did, by turning from me and worshiping other gods. The northern kingdom of Israel broke the agreement I made with your ancestors, and now the southern kingdom of Judah[h] has done the same.

11 Here is what I've decided to do. I will bring suffering on the people of Judah and Jerusalem, and no one will escape. They will beg me to help, but I won't listen to their prayers. 12-13 Then they will offer sacrifices to their other gods and ask them for help. After all, the people of Judah have more gods than towns, and more shameful altars for Baal than there are streets in Jerusalem. But those gods won't be able to rescue the people of Judah from disaster.

14 Jeremiah, don't pray for these people or beg me to rescue them. If you do, I won't listen, and I certainly won't listen if they pray!

15 Then the Lord told me to say to the people of Judah:

You are my chosen people,
    but you have no right
to be here in my temple,
    doing such evil things.
The sacrifices you offer me
won't protect you from disaster,
    so stop celebrating.[i]
16 Once you were like an olive tree
    covered with fruit.
But soon I will send a noisy mob
to break off your branches
    and set you on fire.

17 I am the Lord All-Powerful. You people of Judah were like a tree that I had planted, but you have made me angry by offering sacrifices to Baal, just as the northern kingdom did. And now I'm going to pull you up by the roots.

The Plot To Kill Jeremiah

* 18 Some people plotted to kill me.
And like a lamb
    being led to the butcher,
I knew nothing
    about their plans.
19 But then the Lord told me
    that they had planned
to chop me down like a tree—
    fruit and all—
so that no one would ever
    remember me again.
20 (C) I prayed, “Lord All-Powerful,
you always do what is right,
    and you know every thought.
So I trust you to help me
    and to take revenge.”

21 Then the Lord said:

Jeremiah, some men from Anathoth[j] say they will kill you, if you keep on speaking for me. 22 But I will punish them. Their young men will die in battle, and their children will starve to death. 23 And when I am finished, no one from their families will be left alive.


  1. 9.11 jackals: Desert animals related to wolves, but smaller.
  2. 9.14 Baal: See the note at 2.23.
  3. 9.15 poison to eat and drink: Or “bitter disappointment to eat, and tears to drink.”
  4. 9.17 women … weep at funerals: Or “the women who weep for Baal”; the god Baal was believed to have died and come back to life, and some women would go to places of worship and weep over the death of Baal.
  5. 9.25,26 the tribes of the desert: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  6. 10.18 like a rock from a sling: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text.
  7. 10.22 jackals: See the note at 9.11.
  8. 11.10 Israel … Judah: See the note at 2.4.
  9. 11.15 celebrating: One possible meaning for the difficult Hebrew text of verse 15.
  10. 11.21 Anathoth: Jeremiah's hometown (see 1.1).

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