(A)And you, O seacoast, (B)shall be pastures,
    with meadows[a] for shepherds
    and folds for flocks.

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  1. Zephaniah 2:6 Or caves

14 (A)Herds shall lie down in her midst,
    all kinds of beasts;[a]
(B)even the owl and the hedgehog[b]
    shall lodge in her capitals;
a voice shall hoot in the window;
    devastation will be on the threshold;
    for (C)her cedar work will be laid bare.
15 This is the exultant city
    (D)that lived securely,
that said in her heart,
    “I am, and there is no one else.”
What a desolation she has become,
    (E)a lair for wild beasts!
(F)Everyone who passes by her
    hisses and (G)shakes his fist.

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  1. Zephaniah 2:14 Hebrew beasts of every nation
  2. Zephaniah 2:14 The identity of the animals rendered owl and hedgehog is uncertain

I will make (A)Rabbah a (B)pasture for camels and Ammon[a] (C)a fold for flocks. (D)Then you will know that I am the Lord.

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  1. Ezekiel 25:5 Hebrew and the Ammonites

The cities of (A)Aroer are deserted;
    they will be for flocks,
    which will lie down, and (B)none will make them afraid.

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17 Then shall the lambs graze (A)as in their pasture,
    and (B)nomads shall eat among the ruins of the rich.

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