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And ye shall flee to the gey (valley) in the mountains; for the gey (valley) of the harim (mountains) shall extend unto Atzel; yea, ye shall flee, just as ye fled from before the ra’ash (earthquake) in the days of Uziyah Melech Yehudah; and Hashem Elohai shall come, and kol Kadoshim (all the holy ones) with Thee [see Daniel 7:13-14].

And it shall come to pass in Yom HaHu, that there shall no longer be cold or frost:

But it shall be Yom Echad, known to Hashem, with no Yom, nor Lailah; but it shall come to pass, that at erev it shall be ohr.

And it shall be in Yom HaHu, that mayim chayyim (living waters) shall go out from Yerushalayim; half toward the eastern sea [i.e., Dead Sea], and half toward the western sea [i.e., Mediterranean Sea]; in kayitz (summer) and in khoref (winter) shall it be.

And Hashem shall be Melech Al Kol HaAretz (King over all the earth); in Yom HaHu (in that day) shall Hashem be echad, and Shmo Echad.

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