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They Will Mourn for the One They Pierced

10 “I[a] will pour out on the house of David and on the inhabitants of Jerusalem the Spirit of grace, who pleads for mercy.[b] Then they will look at me, the one they have pierced.”

They will mourn for him[c] as one mourns for an only child. They will grieve bitterly for him, as one grieves over his firstborn. 11 On that day there will be great mourning in Jerusalem, as great as the mourning for Hadad Rimmon[d] in the plain of Megiddo. 12 The land will mourn, each family by itself: the family of the house of David by itself, and their wives by themselves; the family of the house of Nathan[e] by itself, and their wives by themselves; 13 the family of the house of Levi by itself, and their wives by themselves; the family of Shimei[f] by itself, and their wives by themselves; 14 all the families that remain, each family by itself, and their wives by themselves.

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  1. Zechariah 12:10 The speaker is the coming Messiah.
  2. Zechariah 12:10 Or a spirit that pleads for grace and mercy
  3. Zechariah 12:10 Sudden, unmarked shifts from first person (look at me) to third person (mourn for him) are not unusual in prophecy. The words set off by quotation marks are the words of the Messiah. The following words are commentary spoken by the prophet.
  4. Zechariah 12:11 Or at Hadad Rimmon. Hadad Rimmon may be the name of a heathen god, whose death was mourned like the death of Tammuz. Or it may be the name of a place where Israel mourned the death of Josiah.
  5. Zechariah 12:12 Not the well-known prophet Nathan, but Nathan the son of David who was an ancestor of Jesus (Luke 3:31)
  6. Zechariah 12:13 One of the divisions of the Levites

10 “‘I will pour on the house of David and on the inhabitants[a] of Jerusalem a spirit of grace and supplication, and they will look to me whom they pierced, and they shall mourn over him, as one wails over an only child, and they will grieve bitterly over him as one grieves bitterly over a firstborn. 11 On that day the wailing will be great in Jerusalem, like the wailing for Hadad Rimmon in the plain of Megiddo. 12 And the land shall mourn, each clan by itself;[b] the clan of the house of David by itself, and their wives by themselves; the clan of the house of Nathan by itself, and their wives by themselves; 13 the clan of the house of Levi by itself, and their wives by themselves; the clan of the Shimeites by itself, and their wives by themselves; 14 and all those clans remaining, each clan by itself,[c] and their wives by themselves.’”

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  1. Zechariah 12:10 Hebrew “inhabitant”
  2. Zechariah 12:12 Literally “clans, clans alone”
  3. Zechariah 12:14 Literally “clans, clans alone”