Thus says the Lord of hosts: (A)Old men and old women shall again sit in the streets of Jerusalem, each with staff in hand because of great age.

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20 No more shall there be in it
    an infant who lives but a few days,
    or an old man who does not fill out his days,
for (A)the young man shall die a hundred years old,
    and (B)the sinner a hundred years old shall be accursed.
21 (C)They shall build houses and inhabit them;
    they shall plant vineyards and eat their fruit.
22 (D)They shall not build and another inhabit;
    they shall not plant and another eat;
(E)for like the days of a tree shall the days of my people be,
    and my chosen shall long enjoy[a] the work of their hands.

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  1. Isaiah 65:22 Hebrew shall wear out

22 But you have come to (A)Mount Zion and to the city of the living God, (B)the heavenly Jerusalem, and to (C)innumerable angels in festal gathering,

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11 Women are raped in Zion,
    young women in the towns of Judah.
12 (A)Princes are hung up by their hands;
    (B)no respect is shown to the elders.
13 Young men are compelled to (C)grind at the mill,
    and boys stagger (D)under loads of wood.
14 (E)The old men have left the city gate,
    the young men (F)their music.
15 (G)The joy of our hearts has ceased;
    (H)our dancing has been turned to mourning.

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20 Look, O Lord, and see!
    (A)With whom have you dealt thus?
(B)Should women eat the fruit of their womb,
    the children of (C)their tender care?
Should (D)priest and prophet be killed
    in the sanctuary of the Lord?

21 In the dust of the streets
    (E)lie the young and the old;
(F)my young women and my young men
    have fallen by the sword;
(G)you have killed them in the day of your anger,
    slaughtering (H)without pity.

22 You summoned as if to (I)a festival day
    (J)my terrors on every side,
(K)and on the day of the anger of the Lord
    no one escaped or survived;
(L)those whom I held and raised
    my enemy destroyed.

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17 And Job died, an old man, and (A)full of days.

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26 You shall come to your grave in (A)ripe old age,
    like a sheaf gathered up in its season.

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31 Behold, (A)the days are coming when I will cut off your strength and the strength of your father's house, so that there will not be an old man in your house.

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