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Chaver, you do a thing of emunah (faith) when it is done for the Achim b’Moshiach [engaged in the Shlichus (Divine Mission) of Messianic Kiruv Rechokim itineration in the kehillot], especially when they are people you don’t know.

They gave eidushaft (witness of testimony) to your ahavah (agape) before the kehillah (assembly) [here]; you will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of Hashem.

For, on behalf of Hashem they went forth [in the Shlichus of Moshiach’s Kiruv Rechokim], taking nothing from the Goyim.

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Chaver, you do a thing of emunah (faith) when it is done for the Achim b’Moshiach [engaged in the Shlichus (Divine Mission) of Messianic Kiruv Rechokim itineration in the kehillot], especially when they are people you don’t know.

They gave eidushaft (witness of testimony) to your ahavah (agape) before the kehillah (assembly) [here]; you will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of Hashem.

For, on behalf of Hashem they went forth [in the Shlichus of Moshiach’s Kiruv Rechokim], taking nothing from the Goyim.

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