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61 And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having da’as in himself that his talmidim are grumbling about this, said to them, Does this cause a michshol for you?

62 What if you behold the Ben HaAdam ascending where he was Bereshis?

63 The Ruach Hakodesh is that which is making alive, the basar does not profit anything. The dvarim which I have spoken to you are as Ruach and they are as Chayyim (Life).

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61 And Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach, having da’as in himself that his talmidim are grumbling about this, said to them, Does this cause a michshol for you?

62 What if you behold the Ben HaAdam ascending where he was Bereshis?

63 The Ruach Hakodesh is that which is making alive, the basar does not profit anything. The dvarim which I have spoken to you are as Ruach and they are as Chayyim (Life).

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