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19 Therefore, having rowed about esrim v’chamash or sheloshim stadia, they see Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach walking on the sea and coming near the sirah, and they were gefeirlich (horribly) frightened. [IYOV 9:8]

20 But he says to them, Ani Hu. Do not be afraid.

21 Therefore, the talmidim were willing to receive him into the sirah. And immediately the sirah came to the shore to which they were going. [TEHILLIM 106:30 TARGUM HASHIVIM]

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19 Therefore, having rowed about esrim v’chamash or sheloshim stadia, they see Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach walking on the sea and coming near the sirah, and they were gefeirlich (horribly) frightened. [IYOV 9:8]

20 But he says to them, Ani Hu. Do not be afraid.

21 Therefore, the talmidim were willing to receive him into the sirah. And immediately the sirah came to the shore to which they were going. [TEHILLIM 106:30 TARGUM HASHIVIM]

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