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Because the dvarim which You gave me, of these I have been shomer, and they received them, and they have da’as beemes that from You I came forth, and they have emunah that You sent me.

I make a bakosha (petition, request) concerning them, I do not make a bakosha concerning the Olam Hazeh, but concerning the Ones You have given me, because they are Yours.

10 And all things that are mine are Yours, and Your things are mine, and I have been given kavod in them.

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Because the dvarim which You gave me, of these I have been shomer, and they received them, and they have da’as beemes that from You I came forth, and they have emunah that You sent me.

I make a bakosha (petition, request) concerning them, I do not make a bakosha concerning the Olam Hazeh, but concerning the Ones You have given me, because they are Yours.

10 And all things that are mine are Yours, and Your things are mine, and I have been given kavod in them.

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