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It may be that Bais Yehudah will hear all the ra’ah (disaster, evil) which I purpose to do unto them; that they may turn every ish from his derech hara’ah; that I may forgive their avon and their chattat.

Then Yirmeyah called Baruch Ben Neriyah; and Baruch wrote from the mouth of Yirmeyah all the Divrei Hashem, which he spoke unto him, upon a megilat sefer.

And Yirmeyah commanded Baruch, saying, I am atzur (restricted, barred); I cannot go into Bais Hashem;

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It may be that Bais Yehudah will hear all the ra’ah (disaster, evil) which I purpose to do unto them; that they may turn every ish from his derech hara’ah; that I may forgive their avon and their chattat.

Then Yirmeyah called Baruch Ben Neriyah; and Baruch wrote from the mouth of Yirmeyah all the Divrei Hashem, which he spoke unto him, upon a megilat sefer.

And Yirmeyah commanded Baruch, saying, I am atzur (restricted, barred); I cannot go into Bais Hashem;

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