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The nevi’im that have been before me and before thee of old prophesied both against many countries, and against mamlechot gedolot, of milchamah, of ra’ah, of dever.

The navi which prophesieth of shalom, when the devar of the navi shall come to pass, then shall the navi be recognized, that Hashem hath truly sent him.

10 Then Chananyah HaNavi took the yoke from off the neck of Yirmeyah HaNavi and broke it.

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The nevi’im that have been before me and before thee of old prophesied both against many countries, and against mamlechot gedolot, of milchamah, of ra’ah, of dever.

The navi which prophesieth of shalom, when the devar of the navi shall come to pass, then shall the navi be recognized, that Hashem hath truly sent him.

10 Then Chananyah HaNavi took the yoke from off the neck of Yirmeyah HaNavi and broke it.

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