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44 Yet now hear, O Ya’akov Avdi; and Yisroel, whom I have chosen;

Thus saith Hashem that made thee, and formed thee from the beten (womb), Who will help thee; Fear not, O Ya’akov, Avdi; and thou, Yeshurun, whom I have chosen.

For I will pour mayim upon him that is thirsty, and flowing streams upon the yabashah [Gn 1:9]; I will pour out My Ruach [Hakodesh] upon thy zera, and My brocha upon thine offspring;

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44 Yet now hear, O Ya’akov Avdi; and Yisroel, whom I have chosen;

Thus saith Hashem that made thee, and formed thee from the beten (womb), Who will help thee; Fear not, O Ya’akov, Avdi; and thou, Yeshurun, whom I have chosen.

For I will pour mayim upon him that is thirsty, and flowing streams upon the yabashah [Gn 1:9]; I will pour out My Ruach [Hakodesh] upon thy zera, and My brocha upon thine offspring;

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