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15 He that walketh in tzedakot, and speaketh meisharim (right things), he that despiseth the gain of extortions, that guards his palms from accepting shochad (bribe[s]), that stoppeth his ozen from hearing of dahm, and shutteth his eynayim from seeing rah;

16 He shall dwell on high; his metzadot shall be the rocky fortress; his lechem shall be given him; his mayim shall be unfailing.

17 Thine eynayim shall see Melech in His yafeh (beauty); they shall behold eretz that is very far off.

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15 He that walketh in tzedakot, and speaketh meisharim (right things), he that despiseth the gain of extortions, that guards his palms from accepting shochad (bribe[s]), that stoppeth his ozen from hearing of dahm, and shutteth his eynayim from seeing rah;

16 He shall dwell on high; his metzadot shall be the rocky fortress; his lechem shall be given him; his mayim shall be unfailing.

17 Thine eynayim shall see Melech in His yafeh (beauty); they shall behold eretz that is very far off.

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