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11 And we desire that each one of you show the same zerizut (diligence) so as to realize the full bitachon of the tikvah (hope) until HaKetz,

12 That you not become atzlanit (sluggards) but imitators of the ones who through Emunah and zitzfleisch (patience) inherit the havtachot (promises).

13 For when Hashem gave the havtachah (promise) to Avraham Avinu, als (since) Hashem had no one greater by which to make a shevu’ah (oath), Hashem made a shevu’ah by Himself, [BERESHIS 22:16]

14 Saying "Surely blessing I will bless you and multiplying I will multiply you" BERESHIS 22:17).

15 And thus, having waited with zitzfleisch, Avraham Avinu obtained the havtachah (promise).

16 For Bnei Adam make a shevu’ah by someone greater than themselves, and a shevu’ah given as confirmation, settles every matter decisively.

17 Similarly, when Hashem wanted to demonstrate even more emphatically to the yoreshim (heirs) of the havtachah (promise) the unchangeableness of his willed tachlis (purpose), Hashem guaranteed it with a shevu’ah,

18 In order that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for Hashem to speak sheker, we may have chozek (strength) and great encouragement, we who say that "he is my MAKHSEH (refuge, shelter TEHILLIM 91:2)" and have taken hold of the tikvah (hope) set before us.

19 This tikvah we have as an ogen (anchor) for the neshamah, a tikvah both firm and secure, which enters inside the parokhet,

20 Where Yehoshua has entered as a foroisgeier (forerunner) on behalf of us, having become a KOHEN L’OLAM AL DIVRATI MALKI TZEDEK ("Kohen forever according to the order of Malki Tzedek" Ps 110:4).

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11 And we desire that each one of you show the same zerizut (diligence) so as to realize the full bitachon of the tikvah (hope) until HaKetz,

12 That you not become atzlanit (sluggards) but imitators of the ones who through Emunah and zitzfleisch (patience) inherit the havtachot (promises).

13 For when Hashem gave the havtachah (promise) to Avraham Avinu, als (since) Hashem had no one greater by which to make a shevu’ah (oath), Hashem made a shevu’ah by Himself, [BERESHIS 22:16]

14 Saying "Surely blessing I will bless you and multiplying I will multiply you" BERESHIS 22:17).

15 And thus, having waited with zitzfleisch, Avraham Avinu obtained the havtachah (promise).

16 For Bnei Adam make a shevu’ah by someone greater than themselves, and a shevu’ah given as confirmation, settles every matter decisively.

17 Similarly, when Hashem wanted to demonstrate even more emphatically to the yoreshim (heirs) of the havtachah (promise) the unchangeableness of his willed tachlis (purpose), Hashem guaranteed it with a shevu’ah,

18 In order that by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for Hashem to speak sheker, we may have chozek (strength) and great encouragement, we who say that "he is my MAKHSEH (refuge, shelter TEHILLIM 91:2)" and have taken hold of the tikvah (hope) set before us.

19 This tikvah we have as an ogen (anchor) for the neshamah, a tikvah both firm and secure, which enters inside the parokhet,

20 Where Yehoshua has entered as a foroisgeier (forerunner) on behalf of us, having become a KOHEN L’OLAM AL DIVRATI MALKI TZEDEK ("Kohen forever according to the order of Malki Tzedek" Ps 110:4).

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