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Says also in another passage, "ATAH KOHEN L’OLAM AL DIVRATI MALKITZEDEK ("You are a kohen forever according to the order of Malki Tzedek"‖Ps 110:4).

Rebbi, Melech HaMoshiach, in the days of his earthly life, offered with a raised voice and tears both tefillos and techinnah (prayers of supplication) to the One who was able to deliver him from mavet, and Hashem heard him because of his chasidus.

Although he was HaBen, Rebbi, Melech HaMoshiach learned mishma’at from his yissurim.

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Says also in another passage, "ATAH KOHEN L’OLAM AL DIVRATI MALKITZEDEK ("You are a kohen forever according to the order of Malki Tzedek"‖Ps 110:4).

Rebbi, Melech HaMoshiach, in the days of his earthly life, offered with a raised voice and tears both tefillos and techinnah (prayers of supplication) to the One who was able to deliver him from mavet, and Hashem heard him because of his chasidus.

Although he was HaBen, Rebbi, Melech HaMoshiach learned mishma’at from his yissurim.

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