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14 Pursue shalom with kol Bnei Adam, and the kedushah without which no one will see Hashem.

15 See to it that no one fall short of the Chen v’Chesed Hashem; that no SHORESH (Dt 29:19) of merirut (bitterness) sprouting up may cause tzoros, and by it many be made teme’ot;

16 Lest someone guilty of gilui arayot (sexual immorality) or some person who is mitnaged ladat (irreligious, opponent of religion) like Esav, who in exchange for one meal sold HaBechorah belonging to him.

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14 Pursue shalom with kol Bnei Adam, and the kedushah without which no one will see Hashem.

15 See to it that no one fall short of the Chen v’Chesed Hashem; that no SHORESH (Dt 29:19) of merirut (bitterness) sprouting up may cause tzoros, and by it many be made teme’ot;

16 Lest someone guilty of gilui arayot (sexual immorality) or some person who is mitnaged ladat (irreligious, opponent of religion) like Esav, who in exchange for one meal sold HaBechorah belonging to him.

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