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By Emunah Avraham Avinu, when he was called to go out to a place which he was about to receive as a nachalah (inheritance), responded with mishma’at (obedience), and he went out, not having da’as of where he was going.

By Emunah he made aliyah to HA’ARETZ ASHER DIBER ("the land that He promised" DEVARIM 9:28), Ha’aretz haHavtacha (the Promised Land), as in an eretz zarah (a strange land), living in oholim (tents), as did Yitzchak and Ya’akov, the fellow yorshim (heirs) of the same havtachah (promise);

10 For Avraham Avinu was looking forward to HaIr (The City) having a yesod Olam (eternally firm foundation), whose Planner and Builder is Hashem.

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By Emunah Avraham Avinu, when he was called to go out to a place which he was about to receive as a nachalah (inheritance), responded with mishma’at (obedience), and he went out, not having da’as of where he was going.

By Emunah he made aliyah to HA’ARETZ ASHER DIBER ("the land that He promised" DEVARIM 9:28), Ha’aretz haHavtacha (the Promised Land), as in an eretz zarah (a strange land), living in oholim (tents), as did Yitzchak and Ya’akov, the fellow yorshim (heirs) of the same havtachah (promise);

10 For Avraham Avinu was looking forward to HaIr (The City) having a yesod Olam (eternally firm foundation), whose Planner and Builder is Hashem.

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