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15 And the Ruach Hakodesh also bears solemn edut to us; for after saying,

16 ZOT HABRIT ASHER EKHROT with them "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days," says the L-rd, "I will put my Torah in the mind of them and I will inscribe it on their heart" Jer 31:33). He then says:

17 LA’AVONAM U’LECHATTATAM LO EZKAR ("And their wickedness and their sin I will remember no more" Jer 31:34).

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15 And the Ruach Hakodesh also bears solemn edut to us; for after saying,

16 ZOT HABRIT ASHER EKHROT with them "This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days," says the L-rd, "I will put my Torah in the mind of them and I will inscribe it on their heart" Jer 31:33). He then says:

17 LA’AVONAM U’LECHATTATAM LO EZKAR ("And their wickedness and their sin I will remember no more" Jer 31:34).

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