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For to which of the malachim did Hashem ever say, BENI ATAH, ANI HAYOM YELIDTICHA, ("My Son you are; today I have become your Father." TEHILLIM 2:7)? And again, ANI EH’H’YEH LO L’AV V’HU YIHEYEH LI L’BEN ("I will be to Him a Father and He will be to Me as a Son," SHMUEL BAIS 7:14)?

And again, when Hashem brings HaBechor into the Olam Hazeh, He says, "Let all Hashem’s malachim worship him." [DEVARIM 32:43 TARGUM HA-SHIVIM]

And of the malachim, Hashem says OSEH MALAKHAV RUCHOT MESHARTAV EISH L’HET ("He makes his angels winds and his servants [ministering angels] flaming fire," TEHILLIM 104:4).

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For to which of the malachim did Hashem ever say, BENI ATAH, ANI HAYOM YELIDTICHA, ("My Son you are; today I have become your Father." TEHILLIM 2:7)? And again, ANI EH’H’YEH LO L’AV V’HU YIHEYEH LI L’BEN ("I will be to Him a Father and He will be to Me as a Son," SHMUEL BAIS 7:14)?

And again, when Hashem brings HaBechor into the Olam Hazeh, He says, "Let all Hashem’s malachim worship him." [DEVARIM 32:43 TARGUM HA-SHIVIM]

And of the malachim, Hashem says OSEH MALAKHAV RUCHOT MESHARTAV EISH L’HET ("He makes his angels winds and his servants [ministering angels] flaming fire," TEHILLIM 104:4).

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