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Who being the Shechinah zohar (brilliance) of Hashem and the exact impress and demut of Hashem’s essential nature, being, and reality, and sustaining everything by his Dvar HaKo’ach, after he made tihur (purification) of chatta’im (sins), sat down at LIMIN ("the right hand" TEHILLIM 110:1) of the Majesty on High.

He had become as much superior to the malachim as ha-Shem (the Name) Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach has inherited is more fest (excellent) than theirs.

For to which of the malachim did Hashem ever say, BENI ATAH, ANI HAYOM YELIDTICHA, ("My Son you are; today I have become your Father." TEHILLIM 2:7)? And again, ANI EH’H’YEH LO L’AV V’HU YIHEYEH LI L’BEN ("I will be to Him a Father and He will be to Me as a Son," SHMUEL BAIS 7:14)?

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Who being the Shechinah zohar (brilliance) of Hashem and the exact impress and demut of Hashem’s essential nature, being, and reality, and sustaining everything by his Dvar HaKo’ach, after he made tihur (purification) of chatta’im (sins), sat down at LIMIN ("the right hand" TEHILLIM 110:1) of the Majesty on High.

He had become as much superior to the malachim as ha-Shem (the Name) Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach has inherited is more fest (excellent) than theirs.

For to which of the malachim did Hashem ever say, BENI ATAH, ANI HAYOM YELIDTICHA, ("My Son you are; today I have become your Father." TEHILLIM 2:7)? And again, ANI EH’H’YEH LO L’AV V’HU YIHEYEH LI L’BEN ("I will be to Him a Father and He will be to Me as a Son," SHMUEL BAIS 7:14)?

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