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Ben Adam, prophesy against the ro’im (shepherds) of Yisroel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith Adonoi Hashem unto the ro’im (shepherds); Oy to the ro’im (shepherds) of Yisroel who are ro’im tending to themselves! Should not the ro’im (shepherds) be ro’im tending to the tzon (flock)?

Ye eat the chelev, and ye clothe you with the tzemer (wool), ye slaughter the healthy; but ye are not ro’im that tend the tzon.

The weak have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was cholah (sick), neither have ye bound up the nishberet (injured ones), neither have ye brought back that which was straying, neither have ye sought haovedet (the lost); but with chazekah (force) and with perek (harshness, severity) have ye ruled them.

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Ben Adam, prophesy against the ro’im (shepherds) of Yisroel, prophesy, and say unto them, Thus saith Adonoi Hashem unto the ro’im (shepherds); Oy to the ro’im (shepherds) of Yisroel who are ro’im tending to themselves! Should not the ro’im (shepherds) be ro’im tending to the tzon (flock)?

Ye eat the chelev, and ye clothe you with the tzemer (wool), ye slaughter the healthy; but ye are not ro’im that tend the tzon.

The weak have ye not strengthened, neither have ye healed that which was cholah (sick), neither have ye bound up the nishberet (injured ones), neither have ye brought back that which was straying, neither have ye sought haovedet (the lost); but with chazekah (force) and with perek (harshness, severity) have ye ruled them.

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