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26 Again the Devar Hashem came to me, saying.

27 Ben adam, hinei, they of Bais Yisroel say, The chazon that he seeth is for yamim rabbim to come, and he prophesieth of the times that are far off.

28 Therefore say unto them, Thus saith Adonoi Hashem; There shall none of My Devarim be delayed any more, but the Davar which I have spoken shall be done, saith Adonoi Hashem.

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26 Again the Devar Hashem came to me, saying.

27 Ben adam, hinei, they of Bais Yisroel say, The chazon that he seeth is for yamim rabbim to come, and he prophesieth of the times that are far off.

28 Therefore say unto them, Thus saith Adonoi Hashem; There shall none of My Devarim be delayed any more, but the Davar which I have spoken shall be done, saith Adonoi Hashem.

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