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18 Birtzon Hashem (by the will of G-d), he gave birth to us by the Dvar HaEmes, that we might be a kind of bikkurim (firstfruits) of all he created. [YIRMEYAH 2:3]

19 Have da’as of this, my beloved Achim b’Moshiach. Let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to ka’as (anger). [MISHLE 10:19]

20 For the ka’as of Bnei Adam does not accomplish the Tzikat Hashem.

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18 Birtzon Hashem (by the will of G-d), he gave birth to us by the Dvar HaEmes, that we might be a kind of bikkurim (firstfruits) of all he created. [YIRMEYAH 2:3]

19 Have da’as of this, my beloved Achim b’Moshiach. Let every man be quick to hear, slow to speak, slow to ka’as (anger). [MISHLE 10:19]

20 For the ka’as of Bnei Adam does not accomplish the Tzikat Hashem.

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