Wisdom 12:18-20
Wycliffe Bible
18 But thou, lord [or lordshipper] of virtue, deemest with peaceableness, and disposest us with great reverence; for it is subject to thee to be able to, when thou wilt.
19 Forsooth thou hast taught thy people by such works, that it behooveth a judge to be just, and benign, either merciful; and thou madest thy sons (to be) of good hope, for thou deemest, and givest place to (or for) penance in sins. [Forsooth thou taughtest thy people by such works, for it behoveth to be rightwise, and manly; and thou madest thy sons of good hope, for deeming thou givest place of penance in sins.]
20 For it thou tormentedest the enemies of thy servants, and men due to death with so great perceiving, either attentiveness, and deliveredest, and gavest time and place [or giving time and place], by which they might be changed from malice;
Read full chapter2001 by Terence P. Noble