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11 and while he slept, hot turds, or drit, fell down from the nest of swallows upon his eyes; and he was made blind.

12 And therefore the Lord suffered (or allowed) this temptation to befall to him, (so) that the ensample of his patience should be given to (his) after-comers, as also it is of holy Job. [This forsooth temptation therefore the Lord suffered to come to him, that to the after-comers should example be given of his patience, as and of holy Job.]

13 For why when Tobit dreaded God (for)ever(more) from his young childhood, and kept his commandments, he was not sorry, or heavy, or grudging, (or grumbling) against God, for that the sickness of blindness came to him; [And when from his time that he began to speak, evermore he dreaded God, and kept his behests, he sorrowed not against God, that the vengeance of blindness came to him;]

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