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Atzin toklin jun tsanjil Jesús

Twutzxix kxel nqˈmaˈn kyeˈy, quˈn at wokliˈn te tsanjil Jesús, ex nchin yoliˈn jikyinxix wen tiˈj Tyol, ex ma chin tzaqpaja tjaqˈ kykawbˈil tkyaqil xjal. Tzeˈnku weˈ, ma nliy qAjaw Jesús, ex ayetzin kyeˈ ẍi ok te waqˈnbˈiˈn toj taqˈin. Bˈalaqa at junjun nkaˈmin tanmin qa nya tsanjil Jesúsqiˈn. Me metzin kyeˈ, bˈiˈn kyeˈ kyuˈn, aj qa iky woklinjiˈy. Quˈn wuˈn ẍi niminiˈy, ex atzin yekˈbˈiljo qa tsanjil Jesúsqiˈn.

Atzin tumiljo wuˈn kyeˈy te kolbˈil wibˈa kywutzjo nchi yolbˈin wiˈja. Quˈn tuˈn tsanjil Jesúsqiˈn, il tiˈj tuˈn ttzaj kyqˈoˈn nwaˈy ex nkˈwaˈy. Ex at wokliˈn tuˈn tok lipe jun nxuˈjila wiˈja, a nimil, tzeˈnku te Pegr ex kyeˈ txqantl tsanjil, exqetziˈn titzˈin qAjaw. ¿Tzeˈntzin chˈin kye toj kywutz? ¿Ma oˈkqoxsin qeˈ tukˈa Bernabé ntiˈ qokliˈn tiˈj jun chojbˈil twiˈ qkˈuˈja tiˈjjo aqˈuntl nbˈant quˈn, tzeˈnku kye txqantl?

Twutzx at qeˈ qoklin, tzeˈnku jun xol qˈaqˈ at toklin tiˈj twiˈ tkˈuˈj; ex tzeˈnku jun kjol, aj tbˈaj aqˈnin; ex tzeˈnku jun kyikˈlel, at toklin tuˈn tkˈwaˈn chˈin tal timiẍ aluˈmj. Ex mi kubˈ kybˈisiˈn qa noq t‑xim jun xjaljo luˈn, quˈn tzˈibˈinl taˈye toj tkawbˈil Moisés ojtxe:

Mi tzˈok tjtzˈoˈn ttzi wakx, a nwaˈbˈin triy,
noq tuˈn mi jawe tiˈnku chˈin twa triy, quˈn luˈ nwaˈbˈin tiˈj.

Atzin n‑ele luˈn nya oˈkxsa nyoline kyiˈj aluˈmj. 10 Qalaˈ nyolin qiˈj, quˈn bˈiˈn quˈn qa jun kjol exsin jun waˈbˈil triy qˈuqle tkˈuˈj tiˈj tawal, tuˈn tjaw, quˈn atzin chojbˈil teˈ. 11 Ikyxsin qeˈ, ma kux qawin jun awal toj kyanmiˈn, a Tyol qMan Dios. Exla at chˈin qoklintza, tuˈn ttzaj kyqˈoˈn chˈin qeˈy, quˈn loqoˈy nqo aqˈnin kyxola. 12 Qa at kyoklin junjuntl tiˈjjo ikyjo, ¿Yajtzilaˈ qetza?

Me mina nkubˈ qbˈinchin qeˈ ikyjo. Quˈn loqotziˈn, ma qo jawil qitj tzma tzaluˈn, me qil qibˈxa, quˈn tuˈntzin mix aˈl jun jaw yolbˈin qiˈja, qa noq tuˈn qkanbˈin pwaq tiˈj Tbˈanil Tqanil tiˈj Crist.

13 Quˈn bˈiˈn kyeˈ kyuˈn, qa aye aqˈnil toj tnejil ja te kynaˈbˈl aj Judiy Dios, at kyoklin tiˈjjo jniˈ oyaj, a nxi kyqˈoˈn aj Judiy twutz Dios. Ex ikyjo ayeˈ nchi kubˈ bˈyoˈnte aluˈmj te chojbˈil kyilxjal, ex attaq kyoklin tuˈn kychyoˈn tiˈjjo tchibˈjil aluˈmj. 14 Ikytzin tumiljo xkyij tqˈmaˈn qAjaw Jesús, qa ayejo, a yolil Tbˈanil Tqanil kolbˈil, ex at kyoklin tiˈj jun onbˈil, quˈn tuˈn a kyaqˈiˈn.

15 Me tzeˈnku weˈ, ntiˈ nchin qaniˈn kyeˈy, tuˈn ttzaj kyqˈoˈnjiˈy onbˈil weˈy. Ex nya ma txi ntzˈibˈiˈn wejiˈy luˈn kyeˈy, a tuˈn t‑xi kyxikybˈin tuˈn ttzaj kyqˈoˈn onbˈil weˈ. Bˈaˈntla qa wen tuˈn nkyim weˈ, tzeˈnku a tuˈn ttzaj ntzyuˈnjiˈy onbˈil kyeˈy. Quˈn tuˈn ttzaj ntzyuˈnjiˈy onbˈil, ax nyola kˈwel tzˈaq wibˈaja. 16 Tzeˈnku weˈ, nya noq tuˈn teˈ yolil Tyol Diosqiˈn, kjawil nimsin wibˈa; qalaˈ quˈn ilx tiˈj tuˈn tkubˈ nbˈinchinjiˈy aqˈuntl, quˈn jun waqˈin wejiˈy ma tzaj tqˈoˈn Dios. Quˈn qa mina xkubˈ nbˈinchiˈn, ktzajil tqˈoj Dios wiˈja. 17 Qa ma kubˈ nbˈinchinjiˈy luˈn a wuˈnkuxa, atla jun chojbˈil weˈ. Me nyaxix noq tuˈn ikyjo, quˈn ma chin jaw skˈoˈn weˈ tuˈn Dios, ex ma tzaj toqxenin Tyol weˈy, ex nlay kubˈ wewiˈn, quˈn ilxix tiˈj tuˈn tkubˈ bˈinchit. 18 ¿Tiˈtzila chojbˈil wetza ikyjo toj nwutza? Atziˈn nchin tzalaja tuˈn nchin yoliˈn tiˈjjo Tbˈanil Tqanil kolbˈil noq kukxjo, nya loqˈaj. Tuˈnpetziˈn, mi nchin qaniˈn jun onbˈil tiˈj, quˈn tuˈntzin mi chi jaw yolbˈinxjal wiˈja, qa noq tuˈn jun onbˈil nchin yoliniˈy tiˈj Tyol Dios. Exla qa at we woklin tiˈj jun onbˈil, me mina ntzaj ntzyuˈn.

19 Qalaˈ tzaqpiˈnqiˈn, quˈn mix aˈl jun weˈ onilwe, ex ntiˈ jun xjal aku kawin wiˈja. Me metzin weˈ, ma tzˈok nqˈoˈn wibˈa nyakuj tjaqˈ kykawbˈil tkyaqil, me noq tuˈn kynimin tkyaqil xjal wuˈn tiˈj Tbˈanil Tqanil. 20 Tej ẍin bˈeta kyxol aj Judiy, ma tzˈok nmujbˈin wibˈa junx kyukˈa, noq tuˈn tok kybˈiˈnku wiˈja, ex tuˈn t‑xi kynimin a Tbˈanil Tqanil. Ex tej ẍin bˈeta kyxoljo kyaj tuˈn kyel wen twutz Dios noq tuˈn tjapin bˈaj ojtxe kawbˈil kyuˈn, ex ma txi nmujbˈin wibˈa kyukˈa, me nya tuˈn wel wena twutz Dios, qalaˈ noq tuˈn tok kybˈiˈnku xjal wiˈja, ex tuˈn t‑xi kyniminku Tbˈanil Tqanil. 21 Ex tej ẍin bˈeta kyxol aj nya Judiyqe, ayeˈ mina xkubˈ kybˈinchin tzeˈnku tzˈibˈin toj ojtxe kawbˈil, ex ma txi nmujbˈin wibˈa junx kyukˈa, nyakuj ntiˈ kawbˈil wibˈaja, noq tuˈn tok kybˈiˈnku wiˈja, ex tuˈn t‑xi kyniminku Tbˈanil Tqanil. Me mi nxi nqˈmaˈn tukˈa lo qa ma kubˈ nbˈinchinjiˈy a nya bˈaˈn twutz Dios, quˈn nimilqiˈn tiˈj Tkawbˈil Crist. 22 Ex tej ẍin bˈeta kyxol xjal, ayeˈ ntiˈxix kyoklin kyxoljo nmaq xjal tzaluˈn twutz txˈotxˈ, ma tzˈok nqˈoˈn wibˈa tzeˈn jun kye, tuˈn tok kybˈiˈnku wiˈja, ex tuˈn t‑xi kyniminku Tbˈanil Tqanil. Waja tuˈn woka tzeˈnku tkyaqil wiq xjal, noq tuˈn tok kybˈiˈnku wiˈja, ex tuˈn t‑xi kyniminku Tbˈanil Tqanil kolbˈil. 23 Nkubˈ nbˈinchiˈn tkyaqiljo luˈn, noq tuˈn tpaj Tbˈanil Tqanil, tuˈntzintla qmujbˈin te qibˈ junx qkyaqilx tjaqˈ tkyˈiwbˈil Dios.

24 Jun tumil wuˈn kyeˈy tuˈn tkubˈ kybˈinchiˈn tukˈa tkyaqil kyanmiˈn toj taqˈin qMan Dios, ikyx tzeˈnku we. Quˈn bˈiˈn kyeˈ kyuˈn, a kyxol txqan xjal, a rinil, tkyaqilx tetz nrinin, me noq junchˈin teˈ nkanbˈin chojbˈil. Ikytziˈn toj qnimbˈil, me il tiˈj tuˈn kykanbˈintiˈy chojbˈil qˈoˈntz tuˈn Dios toj kyaˈj. 25 Tkyaqiljo rinil, a taj tuˈn tkanbˈin, il tiˈj tuˈn tkubˈ ttzyuˈn tibˈ tiˈjjo jniˈ tiˈchaq tiˈ, a aku bˈant tuˈn tsikyte t‑xmilil, aj txiˈ rinil. ¿Tiquˈnil? Noq tuˈn tkanbˈitkuˈ jun tal oyaj, a jun paqx nbˈaj. ¿Me atzin qetz? Iltzin tiˈj tuˈn qrinin wen toj qnimbˈil tuˈn qkanbˈin teˈ jun oyaj, a nlayx bˈaj toj kyaˈj. 26 Tzeˈnku weˈ nkubˈ nbˈinchiˈn toj nnimbˈila tzeˈnku jun rinil lajoˈnxix tuˈn jikyin wen, tuˈn tkanin tzma jaˈ taˈye chojbˈil. Ex ikyx tzeˈnku jun bˈujil toj saqchbˈil, nya noq k‑okil ten tzaqpilkye tqˈobˈ, qalaˈ ok tjyabˈil jaˈ tumil k‑aqˈila tukˈa tuˈn. 27 Ikyqintzin wejiˈy tzeˈnku jun rinil ex jun bˈujil, nkubˈ ntzyuˈn wibˈa tuˈn nkanbˈintejiˈy jun oyaj toj kyaˈj, ex tuˈn mi chin eliˈy toj ntxˈixewa, quˈn qa otaq chin bˈaj xnaqˈtzin kyiˈj txqantl, exsin mi chin kanbˈintza.

Paul’s Rights as an Apostle

Am I not free?(A) Am I not an apostle?(B) Have I not seen Jesus our Lord?(C) Are you not the result of my work in the Lord?(D) Even though I may not be an apostle to others, surely I am to you! For you are the seal(E) of my apostleship in the Lord.

This is my defense to those who sit in judgment on me. Don’t we have the right to food and drink?(F) Don’t we have the right to take a believing wife(G) along with us, as do the other apostles and the Lord’s brothers(H) and Cephas[a]?(I) Or is it only I and Barnabas(J) who lack the right to not work for a living?

Who serves as a soldier(K) at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard(L) and does not eat its grapes? Who tends a flock and does not drink the milk? Do I say this merely on human authority? Doesn’t the Law say the same thing? For it is written in the Law of Moses: “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain.”[b](M) Is it about oxen that God is concerned?(N) 10 Surely he says this for us, doesn’t he? Yes, this was written for us,(O) because whoever plows and threshes should be able to do so in the hope of sharing in the harvest.(P) 11 If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you?(Q) 12 If others have this right of support from you, shouldn’t we have it all the more?

But we did not use this right.(R) On the contrary, we put up with anything rather than hinder(S) the gospel of Christ.

13 Don’t you know that those who serve in the temple get their food from the temple, and that those who serve at the altar share in what is offered on the altar?(T) 14 In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.(U)

15 But I have not used any of these rights.(V) And I am not writing this in the hope that you will do such things for me, for I would rather die than allow anyone to deprive me of this boast.(W) 16 For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach.(X) Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel! 17 If I preach voluntarily, I have a reward;(Y) if not voluntarily, I am simply discharging the trust committed to me.(Z) 18 What then is my reward? Just this: that in preaching the gospel I may offer it free of charge,(AA) and so not make full use of my rights(AB) as a preacher of the gospel.

Paul’s Use of His Freedom

19 Though I am free(AC) and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone,(AD) to win as many as possible.(AE) 20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews.(AF) To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law),(AG) so as to win those under the law. 21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law(AH) (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law),(AI) so as to win those not having the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak.(AJ) I have become all things to all people(AK) so that by all possible means I might save some.(AL) 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.

The Need for Self-Discipline

24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?(AM) Run(AN) in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown(AO) that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.(AP) 26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly;(AQ) I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.(AR) 27 No, I strike a blow to my body(AS) and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.(AT)


  1. 1 Corinthians 9:5 That is, Peter
  2. 1 Corinthians 9:9 Deut. 25:4

Atzin toklin jun tsanjil Jesús

Twutzxix kxel nqˈmaˈn kyeˈy, quˈn at wokliˈn te tsanjil Jesús, ex nchin yoliˈn jikyinxix wen tiˈj Tyol, ex ma chin tzaqpaja tjaqˈ kykawbˈil tkyaqil xjal. Tzeˈnku weˈ, ma nliy qAjaw Jesús, ex ayetzin kyeˈ ẍi ok te waqˈnbˈiˈn toj taqˈin. Bˈalaqa at junjun nkaˈmin tanmin qa nya tsanjil Jesúsqiˈn. Me metzin kyeˈ, bˈiˈn kyeˈ kyuˈn, aj qa iky woklinjiˈy. Quˈn wuˈn ẍi niminiˈy, ex atzin yekˈbˈiljo qa tsanjil Jesúsqiˈn.

Atzin tumiljo wuˈn kyeˈy te kolbˈil wibˈa kywutzjo nchi yolbˈin wiˈja. Quˈn tuˈn tsanjil Jesúsqiˈn, il tiˈj tuˈn ttzaj kyqˈoˈn nwaˈy ex nkˈwaˈy. Ex at wokliˈn tuˈn tok lipe jun nxuˈjila wiˈja, a nimil, tzeˈnku te Pegr ex kyeˈ txqantl tsanjil, exqetziˈn titzˈin qAjaw. ¿Tzeˈntzin chˈin kye toj kywutz? ¿Ma oˈkqoxsin qeˈ tukˈa Bernabé ntiˈ qokliˈn tiˈj jun chojbˈil twiˈ qkˈuˈja tiˈjjo aqˈuntl nbˈant quˈn, tzeˈnku kye txqantl?

Twutzx at qeˈ qoklin, tzeˈnku jun xol qˈaqˈ at toklin tiˈj twiˈ tkˈuˈj; ex tzeˈnku jun kjol, aj tbˈaj aqˈnin; ex tzeˈnku jun kyikˈlel, at toklin tuˈn tkˈwaˈn chˈin tal timiẍ aluˈmj. Ex mi kubˈ kybˈisiˈn qa noq t‑xim jun xjaljo luˈn, quˈn tzˈibˈinl taˈye toj tkawbˈil Moisés ojtxe:

Mi tzˈok tjtzˈoˈn ttzi wakx, a nwaˈbˈin triy,
noq tuˈn mi jawe tiˈnku chˈin twa triy, quˈn luˈ nwaˈbˈin tiˈj.

Atzin n‑ele luˈn nya oˈkxsa nyoline kyiˈj aluˈmj. 10 Qalaˈ nyolin qiˈj, quˈn bˈiˈn quˈn qa jun kjol exsin jun waˈbˈil triy qˈuqle tkˈuˈj tiˈj tawal, tuˈn tjaw, quˈn atzin chojbˈil teˈ. 11 Ikyxsin qeˈ, ma kux qawin jun awal toj kyanmiˈn, a Tyol qMan Dios. Exla at chˈin qoklintza, tuˈn ttzaj kyqˈoˈn chˈin qeˈy, quˈn loqoˈy nqo aqˈnin kyxola. 12 Qa at kyoklin junjuntl tiˈjjo ikyjo, ¿Yajtzilaˈ qetza?

Me mina nkubˈ qbˈinchin qeˈ ikyjo. Quˈn loqotziˈn, ma qo jawil qitj tzma tzaluˈn, me qil qibˈxa, quˈn tuˈntzin mix aˈl jun jaw yolbˈin qiˈja, qa noq tuˈn qkanbˈin pwaq tiˈj Tbˈanil Tqanil tiˈj Crist.

13 Quˈn bˈiˈn kyeˈ kyuˈn, qa aye aqˈnil toj tnejil ja te kynaˈbˈl aj Judiy Dios, at kyoklin tiˈjjo jniˈ oyaj, a nxi kyqˈoˈn aj Judiy twutz Dios. Ex ikyjo ayeˈ nchi kubˈ bˈyoˈnte aluˈmj te chojbˈil kyilxjal, ex attaq kyoklin tuˈn kychyoˈn tiˈjjo tchibˈjil aluˈmj. 14 Ikytzin tumiljo xkyij tqˈmaˈn qAjaw Jesús, qa ayejo, a yolil Tbˈanil Tqanil kolbˈil, ex at kyoklin tiˈj jun onbˈil, quˈn tuˈn a kyaqˈiˈn.

15 Me tzeˈnku weˈ, ntiˈ nchin qaniˈn kyeˈy, tuˈn ttzaj kyqˈoˈnjiˈy onbˈil weˈy. Ex nya ma txi ntzˈibˈiˈn wejiˈy luˈn kyeˈy, a tuˈn t‑xi kyxikybˈin tuˈn ttzaj kyqˈoˈn onbˈil weˈ. Bˈaˈntla qa wen tuˈn nkyim weˈ, tzeˈnku a tuˈn ttzaj ntzyuˈnjiˈy onbˈil kyeˈy. Quˈn tuˈn ttzaj ntzyuˈnjiˈy onbˈil, ax nyola kˈwel tzˈaq wibˈaja. 16 Tzeˈnku weˈ, nya noq tuˈn teˈ yolil Tyol Diosqiˈn, kjawil nimsin wibˈa; qalaˈ quˈn ilx tiˈj tuˈn tkubˈ nbˈinchinjiˈy aqˈuntl, quˈn jun waqˈin wejiˈy ma tzaj tqˈoˈn Dios. Quˈn qa mina xkubˈ nbˈinchiˈn, ktzajil tqˈoj Dios wiˈja. 17 Qa ma kubˈ nbˈinchinjiˈy luˈn a wuˈnkuxa, atla jun chojbˈil weˈ. Me nyaxix noq tuˈn ikyjo, quˈn ma chin jaw skˈoˈn weˈ tuˈn Dios, ex ma tzaj toqxenin Tyol weˈy, ex nlay kubˈ wewiˈn, quˈn ilxix tiˈj tuˈn tkubˈ bˈinchit. 18 ¿Tiˈtzila chojbˈil wetza ikyjo toj nwutza? Atziˈn nchin tzalaja tuˈn nchin yoliˈn tiˈjjo Tbˈanil Tqanil kolbˈil noq kukxjo, nya loqˈaj. Tuˈnpetziˈn, mi nchin qaniˈn jun onbˈil tiˈj, quˈn tuˈntzin mi chi jaw yolbˈinxjal wiˈja, qa noq tuˈn jun onbˈil nchin yoliniˈy tiˈj Tyol Dios. Exla qa at we woklin tiˈj jun onbˈil, me mina ntzaj ntzyuˈn.

19 Qalaˈ tzaqpiˈnqiˈn, quˈn mix aˈl jun weˈ onilwe, ex ntiˈ jun xjal aku kawin wiˈja. Me metzin weˈ, ma tzˈok nqˈoˈn wibˈa nyakuj tjaqˈ kykawbˈil tkyaqil, me noq tuˈn kynimin tkyaqil xjal wuˈn tiˈj Tbˈanil Tqanil. 20 Tej ẍin bˈeta kyxol aj Judiy, ma tzˈok nmujbˈin wibˈa junx kyukˈa, noq tuˈn tok kybˈiˈnku wiˈja, ex tuˈn t‑xi kynimin a Tbˈanil Tqanil. Ex tej ẍin bˈeta kyxoljo kyaj tuˈn kyel wen twutz Dios noq tuˈn tjapin bˈaj ojtxe kawbˈil kyuˈn, ex ma txi nmujbˈin wibˈa kyukˈa, me nya tuˈn wel wena twutz Dios, qalaˈ noq tuˈn tok kybˈiˈnku xjal wiˈja, ex tuˈn t‑xi kyniminku Tbˈanil Tqanil. 21 Ex tej ẍin bˈeta kyxol aj nya Judiyqe, ayeˈ mina xkubˈ kybˈinchin tzeˈnku tzˈibˈin toj ojtxe kawbˈil, ex ma txi nmujbˈin wibˈa junx kyukˈa, nyakuj ntiˈ kawbˈil wibˈaja, noq tuˈn tok kybˈiˈnku wiˈja, ex tuˈn t‑xi kyniminku Tbˈanil Tqanil. Me mi nxi nqˈmaˈn tukˈa lo qa ma kubˈ nbˈinchinjiˈy a nya bˈaˈn twutz Dios, quˈn nimilqiˈn tiˈj Tkawbˈil Crist. 22 Ex tej ẍin bˈeta kyxol xjal, ayeˈ ntiˈxix kyoklin kyxoljo nmaq xjal tzaluˈn twutz txˈotxˈ, ma tzˈok nqˈoˈn wibˈa tzeˈn jun kye, tuˈn tok kybˈiˈnku wiˈja, ex tuˈn t‑xi kyniminku Tbˈanil Tqanil. Waja tuˈn woka tzeˈnku tkyaqil wiq xjal, noq tuˈn tok kybˈiˈnku wiˈja, ex tuˈn t‑xi kyniminku Tbˈanil Tqanil kolbˈil. 23 Nkubˈ nbˈinchiˈn tkyaqiljo luˈn, noq tuˈn tpaj Tbˈanil Tqanil, tuˈntzintla qmujbˈin te qibˈ junx qkyaqilx tjaqˈ tkyˈiwbˈil Dios.

24 Jun tumil wuˈn kyeˈy tuˈn tkubˈ kybˈinchiˈn tukˈa tkyaqil kyanmiˈn toj taqˈin qMan Dios, ikyx tzeˈnku we. Quˈn bˈiˈn kyeˈ kyuˈn, a kyxol txqan xjal, a rinil, tkyaqilx tetz nrinin, me noq junchˈin teˈ nkanbˈin chojbˈil. Ikytziˈn toj qnimbˈil, me il tiˈj tuˈn kykanbˈintiˈy chojbˈil qˈoˈntz tuˈn Dios toj kyaˈj. 25 Tkyaqiljo rinil, a taj tuˈn tkanbˈin, il tiˈj tuˈn tkubˈ ttzyuˈn tibˈ tiˈjjo jniˈ tiˈchaq tiˈ, a aku bˈant tuˈn tsikyte t‑xmilil, aj txiˈ rinil. ¿Tiquˈnil? Noq tuˈn tkanbˈitkuˈ jun tal oyaj, a jun paqx nbˈaj. ¿Me atzin qetz? Iltzin tiˈj tuˈn qrinin wen toj qnimbˈil tuˈn qkanbˈin teˈ jun oyaj, a nlayx bˈaj toj kyaˈj. 26 Tzeˈnku weˈ nkubˈ nbˈinchiˈn toj nnimbˈila tzeˈnku jun rinil lajoˈnxix tuˈn jikyin wen, tuˈn tkanin tzma jaˈ taˈye chojbˈil. Ex ikyx tzeˈnku jun bˈujil toj saqchbˈil, nya noq k‑okil ten tzaqpilkye tqˈobˈ, qalaˈ ok tjyabˈil jaˈ tumil k‑aqˈila tukˈa tuˈn. 27 Ikyqintzin wejiˈy tzeˈnku jun rinil ex jun bˈujil, nkubˈ ntzyuˈn wibˈa tuˈn nkanbˈintejiˈy jun oyaj toj kyaˈj, ex tuˈn mi chin eliˈy toj ntxˈixewa, quˈn qa otaq chin bˈaj xnaqˈtzin kyiˈj txqantl, exsin mi chin kanbˈintza.

Paul’s Rights as an Apostle

Am I not free?(A) Am I not an apostle?(B) Have I not seen Jesus our Lord?(C) Are you not the result of my work in the Lord?(D) Even though I may not be an apostle to others, surely I am to you! For you are the seal(E) of my apostleship in the Lord.

This is my defense to those who sit in judgment on me. Don’t we have the right to food and drink?(F) Don’t we have the right to take a believing wife(G) along with us, as do the other apostles and the Lord’s brothers(H) and Cephas[a]?(I) Or is it only I and Barnabas(J) who lack the right to not work for a living?

Who serves as a soldier(K) at his own expense? Who plants a vineyard(L) and does not eat its grapes? Who tends a flock and does not drink the milk? Do I say this merely on human authority? Doesn’t the Law say the same thing? For it is written in the Law of Moses: “Do not muzzle an ox while it is treading out the grain.”[b](M) Is it about oxen that God is concerned?(N) 10 Surely he says this for us, doesn’t he? Yes, this was written for us,(O) because whoever plows and threshes should be able to do so in the hope of sharing in the harvest.(P) 11 If we have sown spiritual seed among you, is it too much if we reap a material harvest from you?(Q) 12 If others have this right of support from you, shouldn’t we have it all the more?

But we did not use this right.(R) On the contrary, we put up with anything rather than hinder(S) the gospel of Christ.

13 Don’t you know that those who serve in the temple get their food from the temple, and that those who serve at the altar share in what is offered on the altar?(T) 14 In the same way, the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should receive their living from the gospel.(U)

15 But I have not used any of these rights.(V) And I am not writing this in the hope that you will do such things for me, for I would rather die than allow anyone to deprive me of this boast.(W) 16 For when I preach the gospel, I cannot boast, since I am compelled to preach.(X) Woe to me if I do not preach the gospel! 17 If I preach voluntarily, I have a reward;(Y) if not voluntarily, I am simply discharging the trust committed to me.(Z) 18 What then is my reward? Just this: that in preaching the gospel I may offer it free of charge,(AA) and so not make full use of my rights(AB) as a preacher of the gospel.

Paul’s Use of His Freedom

19 Though I am free(AC) and belong to no one, I have made myself a slave to everyone,(AD) to win as many as possible.(AE) 20 To the Jews I became like a Jew, to win the Jews.(AF) To those under the law I became like one under the law (though I myself am not under the law),(AG) so as to win those under the law. 21 To those not having the law I became like one not having the law(AH) (though I am not free from God’s law but am under Christ’s law),(AI) so as to win those not having the law. 22 To the weak I became weak, to win the weak.(AJ) I have become all things to all people(AK) so that by all possible means I might save some.(AL) 23 I do all this for the sake of the gospel, that I may share in its blessings.

The Need for Self-Discipline

24 Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize?(AM) Run(AN) in such a way as to get the prize. 25 Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown(AO) that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever.(AP) 26 Therefore I do not run like someone running aimlessly;(AQ) I do not fight like a boxer beating the air.(AR) 27 No, I strike a blow to my body(AS) and make it my slave so that after I have preached to others, I myself will not be disqualified for the prize.(AT)


  1. 1 Corinthians 9:5 That is, Peter
  2. 1 Corinthians 9:9 Deut. 25:4