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Sha’ul an eved of Hashem and a Shliach of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, for the furtherance of the [charedi (orthodox)] emunah of the Bechirei Hashem (chosen ones of G-d) and of da’as HaEmes (knowledge of the Truth) as pertains to chasidus [in Moshiach].

The mekor (basis) of this is a tikvah of Chayyei Olam which Hashem Who cannot speak sheker [BAMIDBAR 24:19; SHMUEL ALEF 15:29] promised before the Yamim HaOlam (days of eternity),

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Sha’ul an eved of Hashem and a Shliach of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua, for the furtherance of the [charedi (orthodox)] emunah of the Bechirei Hashem (chosen ones of G-d) and of da’as HaEmes (knowledge of the Truth) as pertains to chasidus [in Moshiach].

The mekor (basis) of this is a tikvah of Chayyei Olam which Hashem Who cannot speak sheker [BAMIDBAR 24:19; SHMUEL ALEF 15:29] promised before the Yamim HaOlam (days of eternity),

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