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14 Remind them of these things, solemnly warning them in the presence of Hashem not to be engaged in disputes over devarim, which is not beneficial, but only ruins the hearers.

15 Do your best to shtel zich (apply yourself), to present yourself to Hashem as one approved, a po’el (workman) without bushah (shame), keeping on a derech yashar the Dvar HaEmes.

16 But profane chatter bereft of kedushah, avoid, for such will advance that which is frai (irreligious).

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14 Remind them of these things, solemnly warning them in the presence of Hashem not to be engaged in disputes over devarim, which is not beneficial, but only ruins the hearers.

15 Do your best to shtel zich (apply yourself), to present yourself to Hashem as one approved, a po’el (workman) without bushah (shame), keeping on a derech yashar the Dvar HaEmes.

16 But profane chatter bereft of kedushah, avoid, for such will advance that which is frai (irreligious).

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