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For which reason I remind you to meorer (rekindle) the matnat Elohim, (the gift of Hashem) which is in you through my conferring of s’michah (ordination). [1Ti 4:14]

For Hashem did not bestow upon us a ruach of pachad (terror), but of gevurah (miraculous power) and of ahavah (love) and of sound havchanah (judgment).

Do not, therefore, be ashamed of the eidus of Adoneinu nor of me, his asir (prisoner), but suffer together with me for the Besuras HaGeulah in the ko’ach of Hashem,

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For which reason I remind you to meorer (rekindle) the matnat Elohim, (the gift of Hashem) which is in you through my conferring of s’michah (ordination). [1Ti 4:14]

For Hashem did not bestow upon us a ruach of pachad (terror), but of gevurah (miraculous power) and of ahavah (love) and of sound havchanah (judgment).

Do not, therefore, be ashamed of the eidus of Adoneinu nor of me, his asir (prisoner), but suffer together with me for the Besuras HaGeulah in the ko’ach of Hashem,

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