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This dvar torah is trustworthy and worthy of all acceptance.

10 For to this end we labor and strive at the melachah (task), because we have set tikvateynu in the EL CHAI [YEHOSHUA 3:10] who is Moshi’a (Savior) of kol Bnei Adam, that is, the ma’aminim [in Moshiach Adoneinu].

11 On these things insist and say shiurim.

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This dvar torah is trustworthy and worthy of all acceptance.

10 For to this end we labor and strive at the melachah (task), because we have set tikvateynu in the EL CHAI [YEHOSHUA 3:10] who is Moshi’a (Savior) of kol Bnei Adam, that is, the ma’aminim [in Moshiach Adoneinu].

11 On these things insist and say shiurim.

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