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Similarly also nashim (women) should adorn themselves with respectable comportment and tznius (modesty, piety) in appearance and with decency and propriety, not with coiffures and gold or pearls or costly clothing,

10 But with what is proper for nashim professing yirat Shomayim, that is, by means of ma’asim tovim (good works).

11 Let the isha (wife) learn in silence in all submission.

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Similarly also nashim (women) should adorn themselves with respectable comportment and tznius (modesty, piety) in appearance and with decency and propriety, not with coiffures and gold or pearls or costly clothing,

10 But with what is proper for nashim professing yirat Shomayim, that is, by means of ma’asim tovim (good works).

11 Let the isha (wife) learn in silence in all submission.

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