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(8) The torah of Hashem is temimah (perfect), reviving the nefesh; the edut of Hashem is ne’emanah (sure), making wise the simple.

(9) The precepts of Hashem are yasharim (right), rejoicing the lev; the mitzvat Hashem is bara (clear, pure), enlightening the eyes.

(10) The yirat Hashem (fear of the L-rd) is tehorah (clean), enduring forever; the mishpatim of Hashem are emes and righteous altogether.

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(8) The torah of Hashem is temimah (perfect), reviving the nefesh; the edut of Hashem is ne’emanah (sure), making wise the simple.

(9) The precepts of Hashem are yasharim (right), rejoicing the lev; the mitzvat Hashem is bara (clear, pure), enlightening the eyes.

(10) The yirat Hashem (fear of the L-rd) is tehorah (clean), enduring forever; the mishpatim of Hashem are emes and righteous altogether.

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