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Until the day dawns
    and the shadows ·disappear [flee],
I will go to that mountain of myrrh
    and to that hill of ·incense [frankincense; C referring to the woman].
My darling, everything about you is beautiful,
    and ·there is nothing at all wrong with you [you have no blemish].
Come with me from Lebanon, my bride.
    Come with me from Lebanon,
from the top of Mount Amana,
    from the tops of Mount Senir and Mount Hermon.
Come from the lions’ dens
    and from the leopards’ hills [C apart from him she is in a dangerous place].

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Until the day dawns
    and the shadows ·disappear [flee],
I will go to that mountain of myrrh
    and to that hill of ·incense [frankincense; C referring to the woman].
My darling, everything about you is beautiful,
    and ·there is nothing at all wrong with you [you have no blemish].
Come with me from Lebanon, my bride.
    Come with me from Lebanon,
from the top of Mount Amana,
    from the tops of Mount Senir and Mount Hermon.
Come from the lions’ dens
    and from the leopards’ hills [C apart from him she is in a dangerous place].

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