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For we sinned, and did wickedly, going away from thee, [Soothly we sinned, and did wickedly, going away from thee,]

and we trespassed in all things, and we heard not, neither kept thy commandments, neither we did as thou commandedest to us, (so) that it should be well to (or with) us. [and trespassed in all things, and heard not thine behests, neither kept (them), neither did as thou commandedest to us, that it were well to us.]

Therefore thou didest by thy very doom (or in thy true judgement) all (the) things which thou broughtest in on us, and all (the) things which thou didest to us; [Therefore all (the) things that thou leddest in upon us, and all (the) things that thou didest to us, in very doom thou hast done;]

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