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13 A privy backbiter, and a double-tongued man, yea, he that speaketh fair before a man, and evil behind him, is cursed; for he disturbed (or troubled) many men having peace. [The whispering grudger (or grumbler), and the twisel tongue (is) cursed; forsooth many having peace he disturbed.]

14 The third tongue hath stirred many men, and hath scattered them from folk into folk. It hath destroyed walled cities of rich men, and hath mined down (or undermined) the houses of great men. It hath cut down the virtues of peoples, and hath unknit strong folks. [The third tongue many men stirred, and scattered them from folk into folk. Walled cities of rich men it destroyed, and the houses of great men it minded out. The virtues of peoples it hewed down, and strong folks of kind it unknit.]

15 The third tongue hath cast out wedded, or honest, women, and hath (de)prived them of their travails.

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