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The crown of eld men is in much cunning (or knowing); and the glory of them is the dread of God. [The crown of old men much wisdom; and the glory of them dread of God.]

I magnified nine things unsuspect(ed) of the heart; and I shall say the tenth thing by tongue to men. A man which living is merry in sons, and seeing the destroying of his enemies. [Nine unover-trowable things of the heart I magnified; and the tenth I shall tell in tongue to men. A man that is joyed in sons living, and seeing the turning upside-down of his enemies.]

He is blessed that dwelleth with a witty (or with a wise) woman, and he that fell not by his tongue, and he that served not to men unworthy to himself. [Blessful or Blissful that dwelleth with a woman well feeling, or well perceiving, and that in his tongue is not slidden, and that served not to the unworthy (to) himself.]

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