Sirach 50
Wycliffe Bible
50 Simon, the son of Onias, was a great priest [or Simon, Onias’ son, the great priest], which in his life undersetted the house, and in his days strengthened the temple.
2 Also the highness of the temple was builded of (or by) him, that is, repaired, (yea), the double building, and (the) high walls of the temple. [Also the height of the temple of (or by) him is founded, the double building, and the high walls of the temple.]
3 In the days of him the pits of (or for) (the) waters came forth; and as the sea, those were filled above measure. [In his days sprung out the pits of waters; and as the sea they be full-filled over manner.]
4 Which Simon healed his folk, and delivered it from perdition. Which was mighty to alarge the city; [That cured (or cared for) his folk, and delivered it from perdition. That had the mastery to make large the city;]
5 which got glory in the conversation of (the) folk; and alarged (or enlarged) the entering of the house, and of the large compass about. [that got glory into the living of (the) folk; and the in-coming of the house, and of the porch he made large.]
6 As the day star in the midst of a cloud, and as a full moon shineth in his (or in its) days; [As the morrowtide star in the middle of the little cloud, and as the full moon in his days he lighteneth;]
7 and as the sun shining, so he shined in the temple of God; as a rainbow shining among the clouds of glory, [and as the shining sun, so he shineth out in the temple of God; as the again-shining bow between the little clouds of glory,]
8 and as a flower of roses in the days of veer (or of springtime), and as lilies, that be in the passing of water, and as incense smelling in the days of summer; [and as the flower of roses in the days of veer, and as lilies, that be in the goings of water, and as incense smelling in the days of summer;]
9 as fire shining, and incense burning in fire; as a firm vessel of gold, adorned with each precious stone; [as fire shining out, and incense burning in fire; as a massive vessel of gold, adorned with all manner (of) precious stone(s);]
10 as an olive tree springing forth, and a cypress tree raising itself on high; [as a burgeoning olive (tree), and (a) cypress into (the) height(s) putting out itself;]
11 while he took the stole (or the robe) of glory, and was clothed in the perfection of virtue. In the ascending of (or in the going up to) the holy altar, the clothing of holiness gave glory. [in taking him the stole of glory, and to be clad him in the full ending of virtue. In the going up of the holy altar, glory he gave (to) the amice of holiness.]
12 Forsooth in taking (the) parts (out) of the hand(s) of (the) priests, that is, the tithe of tithes, which the priests took of (or received from) the people, and he stood beside the altar. The crown of brethren, as a planting of (a) cedar in the hill Lebanon, was about him; so they stood about him as boughs of palm tree(s), [In taking forsooth parts of the hand of priests, and he standing beside the altar. About him the crown of brethren, as the planting of a cedar in Lebanon hill; so about him they stood as palm branches,]
13 and all the sons of Aaron stood in their glory. Soothly the offering of the Lord was in the hands of them, before all the synagogue of Israel; [and all the sons of Aaron in their glory. The offering forsooth of the Lord in the hands of them, before all the gathering of Israel;]
14 and he used full ending on the altar, to alarge (or to magnify) the offering of the high King. [and the full ending using into the altar, to make large the offering of the high king,]
15 And he (ad)dressed (or directed) his hand in (or to) (the) moist sacrifice; and sacrificed in (or with) the blood of (the) grape. He shedded out in the foundament (or at the foundation) of the altar, the odour of God to the high prince. [he straight(en)ed out his hand in the sacrificing of liquors (or he stretched out his hand in the sacrificing of the liquid sacrifices); and he sacrificed in (or with) the blood of a grape. He poured out in the foundament of the altar, godly smell to the high prince.]
16 Then the sons of Aaron cried (a)loud [or Then cried out the sons of Aaron]; they sounded in (or with) trumps beaten out with hammers, and made a great voice (or a loud noise) heard into mind before God.
17 Then all the people hast(en)ed together, and fell down on the face on the earth, for to worship their Lord God, and to give prayers to Almighty God on high. [Then all the people together went forth, and fell into the face upon the earth, to honour the Lord their God, and to give prayers to the almighty high God.]
18 And men singing in their voices alarged, that is, praised God largely; and a sound full of sweetness was made in the great house. [And they (en)larged singing in their voices; and in the great house is made a sound full of sweetness.]
19 And the people prayed (to) the high Lord in prayer, till that the honour of the Lord was done perfectly, and they performed their gift, (or his service). [And the people prayed the high Lord in prayer, unto the time that full done is the honour of the Lord, and his gift they performed.]
20 Then Simon came down, and raised (up) his hands into all the congregation of the sons of Israel, to give glory to God by (or with) his lips, and to have glory in the name of him. [Then coming down, his hands he put out into all the congregation of the sons of Israel, to give glory to God of his lips, and in his name to glory.]
21 And he rehearsed (or repeated) his prayer, willing (or desiring) to show the virtue of God.
22 And he prayed more (to) the Lord of all, that made great things in each land; which increased our days from the womb of our mother, and did with us by his mercy. [And after again more he prayed (to) the God of all, that great things did in all earth; that increased our days from the womb of our mother, and did with us after his mercy.]
23 Give he gladness of heart to us, and that peace be made in Israel by everlasting days; [Give he to us inward joy of heart, and to be made peace in our days in Israel by everlasting days;]
24 that Israel believe, that God’s mercy is with us, (and) that he deliver them in their days.
25 My soul hateth two folks; but the third is not a folk, whom I hate.
26 They that sit in the hill of Samaria, and the Philistines, and the fond [or the fool(ish)] people, that dwelleth in Shechem.
27 Jesus, the son of Sirach, a man of Jerusalem, wrote in this book the teaching [or the doctrine] of wisdom, and of cunning, (or of knowing, or knowledge); and he renewed (the) wisdom of (or from) his heart.
28 He is blessed, that dwelleth in these goods; he that setteth those in his heart, shall (for)ever(more) be wise. [Blessful that in these goods or these things abideth; that putteth those things in his heart, wise shall be evermore.]
29 For if he doeth these things, he shall be mighty to all things; for why the light of God is the step of him. [If forsooth these things he shall do, to all things he shall be mighty; for the light of God is the step of him.]
2001 by Terence P. Noble