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And when Sha’ul saw the machaneh of the Pelishtim, he was afraid, and his lev greatly trembled.

And when Sha’ul inquired of Hashem, Hashem answered him not, neither by chalomot (dreams), nor by Urim, nor by nevi’im.

Then said Sha’ul unto his avadim, Seek me an isha that is a ba’alat ov (medium, a person with a familiar spirit), that I may go to her, and inquire of her. And his avadim said to him, Hinei, there is an eshet ba’alat ov at Ein-Dor.

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And when Sha’ul saw the machaneh of the Pelishtim, he was afraid, and his lev greatly trembled.

And when Sha’ul inquired of Hashem, Hashem answered him not, neither by chalomot (dreams), nor by Urim, nor by nevi’im.

Then said Sha’ul unto his avadim, Seek me an isha that is a ba’alat ov (medium, a person with a familiar spirit), that I may go to her, and inquire of her. And his avadim said to him, Hinei, there is an eshet ba’alat ov at Ein-Dor.

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