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Now therefore stand still, that I may enter into shofet judgment with you before Hashem of kol tzidkot (all the righteous acts [of Hashem]), which He made for you and avoteichem.

When Ya’akov was come into Mitzrayim, and avoteichem cried unto Hashem, then Hashem sent Moshe and Aharon, which brought forth avoteichem out of Mitzrayim, and made them dwell in this makom (place).

And when they forgot Hashem Eloheihem, He sold them into the yad Sisra, Sar Tzeva Chatzor, and into the yad Pelishtim, and into the yad Melech Moav, and they fought against them.

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Now therefore stand still, that I may enter into shofet judgment with you before Hashem of kol tzidkot (all the righteous acts [of Hashem]), which He made for you and avoteichem.

When Ya’akov was come into Mitzrayim, and avoteichem cried unto Hashem, then Hashem sent Moshe and Aharon, which brought forth avoteichem out of Mitzrayim, and made them dwell in this makom (place).

And when they forgot Hashem Eloheihem, He sold them into the yad Sisra, Sar Tzeva Chatzor, and into the yad Pelishtim, and into the yad Melech Moav, and they fought against them.

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