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If thou know not, O thou fairest among nashim, go thy way forth by the footprints of the tzon, and feed thy young goats beside the mishkenot haro’im (the tents of the shepherds).

O my love, to a susah (mare) among the chariots of Pharaoh do I compare thee.

10 Thy cheeks are lovely with ornaments, thy tzavar (neck) with necklaces.

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If thou know not, O thou fairest among nashim, go thy way forth by the footprints of the tzon, and feed thy young goats beside the mishkenot haro’im (the tents of the shepherds).

O my love, to a susah (mare) among the chariots of Pharaoh do I compare thee.

10 Thy cheeks are lovely with ornaments, thy tzavar (neck) with necklaces.

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