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21 And they came, every one whose lev moved him, and every one of nedevah ruach of him, and they brought terumat Hashem to the work of the Ohel Mo’ed, and for kol avodat of it, and for the Bigdei HaKodesh.

22 And they came, both anashim and nashim, as many as were nediv lev, and brought bracelets, and face-adornment rings, and rings, and body ornaments, all jewelry of zahav; and every ish that offered offered a tenufat zahav unto Hashem.

23 And kol ish, with whom was found turquoise, and purple, and scarlet wool, and fine linen, and goat hair, and dyed red rams skin, and tachash skins, brought them.

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21 And they came, every one whose lev moved him, and every one of nedevah ruach of him, and they brought terumat Hashem to the work of the Ohel Mo’ed, and for kol avodat of it, and for the Bigdei HaKodesh.

22 And they came, both anashim and nashim, as many as were nediv lev, and brought bracelets, and face-adornment rings, and rings, and body ornaments, all jewelry of zahav; and every ish that offered offered a tenufat zahav unto Hashem.

23 And kol ish, with whom was found turquoise, and purple, and scarlet wool, and fine linen, and goat hair, and dyed red rams skin, and tachash skins, brought them.

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