Thanksgiving for God’s Justice.

For the music director; on [a]Muth-labben. A Psalm of David.

I will give thanks to the Lord with all (A)my heart;
I will (B)tell of all Your [b]wonders.
I will rejoice and be (C)jubilant in You;
I will (D)sing praise to Your name, O (E)Most High.

When my enemies turn back,
They stumble and (F)perish before You.
For You have (G)maintained [c]my just cause;
You have sat on the throne [d](H)judging righteously.
You have (I)rebuked the nations, You have eliminated the wicked;
You have (J)wiped out their name forever and ever.
[e]The enemy has come to an end in everlasting ruins,
And You have uprooted the cities;
The very (K)memory of them has perished.

But the (L)Lord [f]sits as King forever;
He has established His (M)throne for judgment,
And He will (N)judge the world in righteousness;
He will execute judgment for the peoples fairly.
[g]The Lord will also be a (O)stronghold for the oppressed,
A stronghold in times of trouble;
10 And [h]those who (P)know Your name will put their trust in You,
For You, Lord, have not (Q)abandoned those who seek You.

11 Sing praises to the Lord, who (R)dwells in Zion;
(S)Declare His deeds among the peoples.
12 For (T)He who [i]requires blood remembers them;
He does not forget (U)the cry of the needy.
13 Be gracious to me, Lord;
See my oppression from those (V)who hate me,
You who (W)lift me up from the gates of death,
14 So that I may tell of (X)all Your praises,
That in the gates of the daughter of Zion
I may (Y)rejoice in Your [j]salvation.
15 The nations have sunk down (Z)into the pit which they have made;
In the (AA)net which they hid, their own foot has been caught.
16 The Lord has (AB)made Himself known;
He has (AC)executed judgment.
A wicked one is ensnared in the work of his own hands. [k]Higgaion Selah

17 The wicked will [l](AD)return to [m]Sheol,
All the nations who (AE)forget God.
18 For the (AF)needy will not always be forgotten,
Nor the (AG)hope of the afflicted perish forever.
19 (AH)Arise, Lord, do not let mankind prevail;
Let the nations be (AI)judged before You.
20 Put them (AJ)in fear, Lord;
Let the nations know that they are (AK)merely human. Selah

A Prayer for the Overthrow of the Wicked.

10 Why (AL)do You stand far away, Lord?
Why (AM)do You hide [n]Yourself in times of trouble?
In (AN)arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the needy;
[o]Let them be (AO)caught in the plots which they have devised.

For the wicked (AP)boasts of his (AQ)soul’s desire,
And [p]the greedy person curses and (AR)shows disrespect to the Lord.
The wicked, [q]in his haughtiness, (AS)does not seek Him.
(AT)There is no God in all his schemes.

His ways (AU)succeed at all times;
Yet Your judgments are on high, (AV)out of his sight;
As for all his enemies, he snorts at them.
He says to himself, “(AW)I will not be moved;
[r]Throughout the generations (AX)I will not be in adversity.”
His (AY)mouth is full of cursing, deceit, and (AZ)oppression;
(BA)Under his tongue is harm and injustice.
He sits in the (BB)lurking places of the villages;
He (BC)kills the innocent in the secret places;
His eyes [s]surreptitiously watch for the [t](BD)unfortunate.
He lurks in secret like (BE)a lion in his [u]lair;
He (BF)lurks to catch (BG)the needy;
He catches the needy when he pulls him into his (BH)net.
10 Then he crushes the needy one, who cowers;
And [v]unfortunate people fall by his mighty power.
11 He (BI)says to himself, “God has forgotten;
He has hidden His face; He will never see it.”

12 Arise, Lord; God, (BJ)lift up Your hand.
(BK)Do not forget the humble.
13 Why has the wicked (BL)treated God disrespectfully?
He has said to himself, “[w]You will not require an account.”
14 You have seen it, for You have looked at (BM)harm and provocation to [x]take it into Your hand.
The [y](BN)unfortunate commits himself to You;
You have been the (BO)helper of the orphan.
15 (BP)Break the arm of the wicked and the evildoer,
[z](BQ)Seek out his wickedness until You find none.

16 The Lord is (BR)King forever and ever;
(BS)Nations have perished from His land.
17 Lord, You have heard the (BT)desire of the humble;
You will (BU)strengthen their heart, (BV)You will make Your ear attentive
18 To [aa]vindicate the (BW)orphan and the (BX)oppressed,
So that mankind, which is of the earth, will no longer cause (BY)terror.

The Lord, a Refuge and Defense.

For the music director. A Psalm of David.

11 In the Lord I (BZ)take refuge;
How can you say to my soul, “Flee as a bird to your (CA)mountain?
For, behold, the wicked (CB)bend the bow,
They have [ab](CC)set their arrow on the string
To (CD)shoot in darkness at the upright in heart.
If the (CE)foundations are destroyed,
What can the righteous do?”

The Lord is in His (CF)holy temple; the [ac]Lords (CG)throne is in heaven;
His (CH)eyes see, His eyelids test the sons of mankind.
The Lord (CI)tests the righteous and (CJ)the wicked,
And His soul hates one who loves violence.
He will (CK)rain [ad]coals of fire upon the wicked,
(CL)And brimstone and (CM)burning wind will be the portion of (CN)their cup.
For the Lord is (CO)righteous, (CP)He loves [ae]righteousness;
The upright will (CQ)see His face.

God, a Helper against the Treacherous.

For the music director; [af]upon an eight-stringed lyre. A Psalm of David.

12 Help, Lord, for (CR)the godly person has come to an end,
For the faithful have disappeared from the sons of mankind.
They (CS)speak [ag]lies to one another;
They speak with [ah](CT)flattering lips and a double heart.
May the Lord cut off all [ai]flattering lips,
The tongue that (CU)speaks great things;
Who (CV)have said, “With our tongue we will prevail;
Our lips are [aj]our own; who is lord over us?”
“Because of the (CW)devastation of the poor, because of the groaning of the needy,
Now (CX)I will arise,” says the Lord; “I will (CY)put him in the safety for which he longs.”

The (CZ)words of the Lord are pure words;
Like silver (DA)refined in a furnace on the ground, filtered seven times.
You, Lord, will keep them;
You will (DB)protect him from this generation forever.
The (DC)wicked strut about on every side
When [ak](DD)vileness is exalted among the sons of mankind.

Prayer for Help in Trouble.

For the music director. A Psalm of David.

13 How long, Lord? Will You (DE)forget me forever?
How long (DF)will You hide Your face from me?
How long am I to (DG)feel anxious in my soul,
With (DH)grief in my heart all the day?
How long will my enemy be exalted over me?

(DI)Consider and answer me, O Lord my God;
(DJ)Enlighten my eyes, or I will (DK)sleep the sleep of death,
And my enemy will (DL)say, “I have overcome him,”
And (DM)my adversaries will rejoice when I am shaken.

But I have (DN)trusted in Your faithfulness;
My heart shall (DO)rejoice in Your salvation.
I will (DP)sing to the Lord,
Because He has (DQ)looked after me.

Foolishness and Wickedness of People.

For the music director. A Psalm of David.

14 The fool has (DR)said in his heart, “There is no God.”
They are corrupt, they have committed detestable acts;
There is (DS)no one who does good.
The Lord has (DT)looked down from heaven upon the sons of mankind
To see if there are any who [al](DU)understand,
Who (DV)seek God.
They have all (DW)turned aside, together they are corrupt;
There is (DX)no one who does good, not even one.

Do all the workers of injustice (DY)not know,
Who (DZ)devour my people as they eat bread,
And (EA)do not call upon the Lord?
There they are in great dread,
For God is with a (EB)righteous generation.
You would put to shame the plan of the poor,
But the Lord is his (EC)refuge.

Oh, that (ED)the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion!
When the Lord (EE)restores the fortunes of His people,
Jacob will rejoice, Israel will be glad.

Description of a Citizen of Zion.

A Psalm of David.

15 Lord, who may reside (EF)in Your tent?
Who may settle on Your (EG)holy hill?
One who (EH)walks with integrity, practices righteousness,
And (EI)speaks truth in his heart.
He (EJ)does not slander [am]with his tongue,
Nor (EK)do evil to his neighbor,
Nor (EL)bring shame on his friend;
A despicable person is despised in his eyes,
But he (EM)honors those who fear the Lord;
He (EN)takes an oath to his own detriment, and does not change;
He (EO)does not [an]lend his money [ao]at interest,
Nor (EP)does he take a bribe against the innocent.
(EQ)One who does these things will never be shaken.

The Lord, the Psalmist’s Portion in Life and Salvation in Death.

A [ap]Mikhtam of David.

16 (ER)Protect me, God, for (ES)I take refuge in You.
[aq]I said to the Lord, “You are [ar]my Lord;
I (ET)have nothing good besides You.”
As for the [as](EU)saints who are on the earth,
[at]They are the majestic ones; (EV)all my delight is in them.
[au]The (EW)pains of those who have acquired another god will be multiplied;
I will not pour out their drink offerings of (EX)blood,
Nor will I (EY)take their names upon my lips.

The Lord is the (EZ)portion of my inheritance and my (FA)cup;
You support my (FB)lot.
The measuring (FC)lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
Indeed, my inheritance is (FD)beautiful to me.

I will bless the Lord who has (FE)advised me;
Indeed, my [av](FF)mind instructs me in the night.
(FG)I have (FH)set the Lord continually before me;
Because He is (FI)at my right hand, (FJ)I will not be shaken.
Therefore (FK)my heart is glad and (FL)my glory rejoices;
My flesh also will (FM)dwell securely.
10 For You (FN)will not abandon my soul to [aw]Sheol;
You will not [ax](FO)allow Your [ay]Holy One to [az]undergo decay.
11 You will make known to me (FP)the way of life;
In (FQ)Your presence is fullness of joy;
In Your right hand there are (FR)pleasures forever.

Prayer for Protection against Oppressors.

A Prayer of David.

17 Hear a (FS)just cause, Lord, (FT)give Your attention to my cry;
(FU)Listen to my prayer, which is not from (FV)deceitful lips.
Let (FW)my [ba]judgment come forth from Your presence;
Let Your eyes look with (FX)integrity.
You have (FY)put my heart to the test;
You have visited me by night;
You have (FZ)sifted me and (GA)You find [bb]nothing;
My (GB)intent is that my mouth will not offend.
As for the works of mankind, (GC)by the word of Your lips
I have kept from the (GD)ways of the violent.
My (GE)steps have held to Your [bc]paths.
My (GF)feet have not slipped.

I have (GG)called upon You, for You will answer me, God;
(GH)Incline Your ear to me, hear my speech.
(GI)Show Your wonderful faithfulness,
(GJ)Savior of those who take refuge [bd]at Your right hand
From those who rise up against them.
Keep me as [be]the (GK)apple of the eye;
Hide me (GL)in the shadow of Your wings
From the (GM)wicked who deal violently with me,
My (GN)deadly enemies who surround me.
10 They have (GO)closed their [bf]unfeeling hearts,
With their mouths they (GP)speak proudly.
11 They have now (GQ)surrounded us in our steps;
They set their eyes (GR)to cast us down to the ground.
12 He is (GS)like a lion that is eager to tear,
And as a young lion (GT)lurking in secret places.

13 (GU)Arise, Lord, confront him, (GV)make him bow down;
(GW)Save my soul from the wicked with (GX)Your sword,
14 From people by (GY)Your hand, Lord,
From people [bg]of the world, (GZ)whose portion is in this life,
And whose belly You (HA)fill with Your treasure;
They are satisfied with children,
And leave their abundance to their babies.
15 As for me, I shall (HB)behold Your face in righteousness;
(HC)I shall be satisfied with Your (HD)likeness when I awake.


  1. Psalm 9 Title Meaning of the Heb uncertain
  2. Psalm 9:1 Or miracles
  3. Psalm 9:4 Lit my right and my cause
  4. Psalm 9:4 Or a righteous Judge
  5. Psalm 9:6 Or O enemy, desolations are finished forever; And their cities You have uprooted
  6. Psalm 9:7 Or remains forever
  7. Psalm 9:9 Or Let the Lord also be
  8. Psalm 9:10 Or let put
  9. Psalm 9:12 I.e., avenges bloodshed
  10. Psalm 9:14 Or deliverance
  11. Psalm 9:16 Perhaps, resounding music or meditation
  12. Psalm 9:17 Or turn
  13. Psalm 9:17 I.e., the netherworld
  14. Psalm 10:1 Or Your eyes
  15. Psalm 10:2 Or They will be caught
  16. Psalm 10:3 Or blesses the greedy man
  17. Psalm 10:4 Lit the height of his nose
  18. Psalm 10:6 Lit To
  19. Psalm 10:8 Lit lie in wait
  20. Psalm 10:8 Or poor
  21. Psalm 10:9 Or thicket
  22. Psalm 10:10 Or unhappy
  23. Psalm 10:13 I.e., as though God will ignore it
  24. Psalm 10:14 Lit put, give
  25. Psalm 10:14 Or poor
  26. Psalm 10:15 Or May You seek
  27. Psalm 10:18 Lit judge
  28. Psalm 11:2 Or fixed
  29. Psalm 11:4 Lit Lord, His throne
  30. Psalm 11:6 As in a Gr version; MT snares; Fire and
  31. Psalm 11:7 Or righteous deeds
  32. Psalm 12 Title Or according to a lower octave (Heb Sheminith)
  33. Psalm 12:2 Lit worthless speech
  34. Psalm 12:2 Lit a smooth lip
  35. Psalm 12:3 Lit a smooth lip
  36. Psalm 12:4 Lit with us
  37. Psalm 12:8 Or worthlessness
  38. Psalm 14:2 Or act wisely
  39. Psalm 15:3 Lit according to
  40. Psalm 15:5 Lit give
  41. Psalm 15:5 I.e., to a fellow Israelite
  42. Psalm 16 Title Possibly Epigrammatic Poem or Atonement Psalm
  43. Psalm 16:2 Or O my soul, you said
  44. Psalm 16:2 Or the Lord
  45. Psalm 16:3 Lit holy ones; i.e., God’s people
  46. Psalm 16:3 Lit They, even the
  47. Psalm 16:4 Lit Their pains, they who acquired
  48. Psalm 16:7 Lit kidneys, figurative for inner man
  49. Psalm 16:10 I.e., the netherworld
  50. Psalm 16:10 Lit give
  51. Psalm 16:10 Or godly one
  52. Psalm 16:10 Or see corruption; or the pit
  53. Psalm 17:2 I.e., vindication
  54. Psalm 17:3 Or no shameful act in me; My mouth
  55. Psalm 17:5 Lit tracks
  56. Psalm 17:7 Or from those who rise Your right hand
  57. Psalm 17:8 Lit the pupil, the daughter of the eye
  58. Psalm 17:10 Lit fat
  59. Psalm 17:14 Or whose portion in life is of the world

Thanksgiving for God’s Justice.

For the music director; on [a]Muth-labben. A Psalm of David.

I will give thanks to the Lord with all (A)my heart;
I will (B)tell of all Your [b]wonders.
I will rejoice and be (C)jubilant in You;
I will (D)sing praise to Your name, O (E)Most High.

When my enemies turn back,
They stumble and (F)perish before You.
For You have (G)maintained [c]my just cause;
You have sat on the throne [d](H)judging righteously.
You have (I)rebuked the nations, You have eliminated the wicked;
You have (J)wiped out their name forever and ever.
[e]The enemy has come to an end in everlasting ruins,
And You have uprooted the cities;
The very (K)memory of them has perished.

But the (L)Lord [f]sits as King forever;
He has established His (M)throne for judgment,
And He will (N)judge the world in righteousness;
He will execute judgment for the peoples fairly.
[g]The Lord will also be a (O)stronghold for the oppressed,
A stronghold in times of trouble;
10 And [h]those who (P)know Your name will put their trust in You,
For You, Lord, have not (Q)abandoned those who seek You.

11 Sing praises to the Lord, who (R)dwells in Zion;
(S)Declare His deeds among the peoples.
12 For (T)He who [i]requires blood remembers them;
He does not forget (U)the cry of the needy.
13 Be gracious to me, Lord;
See my oppression from those (V)who hate me,
You who (W)lift me up from the gates of death,
14 So that I may tell of (X)all Your praises,
That in the gates of the daughter of Zion
I may (Y)rejoice in Your [j]salvation.
15 The nations have sunk down (Z)into the pit which they have made;
In the (AA)net which they hid, their own foot has been caught.
16 The Lord has (AB)made Himself known;
He has (AC)executed judgment.
A wicked one is ensnared in the work of his own hands. [k]Higgaion Selah

17 The wicked will [l](AD)return to [m]Sheol,
All the nations who (AE)forget God.
18 For the (AF)needy will not always be forgotten,
Nor the (AG)hope of the afflicted perish forever.
19 (AH)Arise, Lord, do not let mankind prevail;
Let the nations be (AI)judged before You.
20 Put them (AJ)in fear, Lord;
Let the nations know that they are (AK)merely human. Selah

A Prayer for the Overthrow of the Wicked.

10 Why (AL)do You stand far away, Lord?
Why (AM)do You hide [n]Yourself in times of trouble?
In (AN)arrogance the wicked hotly pursue the needy;
[o]Let them be (AO)caught in the plots which they have devised.

For the wicked (AP)boasts of his (AQ)soul’s desire,
And [p]the greedy person curses and (AR)shows disrespect to the Lord.
The wicked, [q]in his haughtiness, (AS)does not seek Him.
(AT)There is no God in all his schemes.

His ways (AU)succeed at all times;
Yet Your judgments are on high, (AV)out of his sight;
As for all his enemies, he snorts at them.
He says to himself, “(AW)I will not be moved;
[r]Throughout the generations (AX)I will not be in adversity.”
His (AY)mouth is full of cursing, deceit, and (AZ)oppression;
(BA)Under his tongue is harm and injustice.
He sits in the (BB)lurking places of the villages;
He (BC)kills the innocent in the secret places;
His eyes [s]surreptitiously watch for the [t](BD)unfortunate.
He lurks in secret like (BE)a lion in his [u]lair;
He (BF)lurks to catch (BG)the needy;
He catches the needy when he pulls him into his (BH)net.
10 Then he crushes the needy one, who cowers;
And [v]unfortunate people fall by his mighty power.
11 He (BI)says to himself, “God has forgotten;
He has hidden His face; He will never see it.”

12 Arise, Lord; God, (BJ)lift up Your hand.
(BK)Do not forget the humble.
13 Why has the wicked (BL)treated God disrespectfully?
He has said to himself, “[w]You will not require an account.”
14 You have seen it, for You have looked at (BM)harm and provocation to [x]take it into Your hand.
The [y](BN)unfortunate commits himself to You;
You have been the (BO)helper of the orphan.
15 (BP)Break the arm of the wicked and the evildoer,
[z](BQ)Seek out his wickedness until You find none.

16 The Lord is (BR)King forever and ever;
(BS)Nations have perished from His land.
17 Lord, You have heard the (BT)desire of the humble;
You will (BU)strengthen their heart, (BV)You will make Your ear attentive
18 To [aa]vindicate the (BW)orphan and the (BX)oppressed,
So that mankind, which is of the earth, will no longer cause (BY)terror.

The Lord, a Refuge and Defense.

For the music director. A Psalm of David.

11 In the Lord I (BZ)take refuge;
How can you say to my soul, “Flee as a bird to your (CA)mountain?
For, behold, the wicked (CB)bend the bow,
They have [ab](CC)set their arrow on the string
To (CD)shoot in darkness at the upright in heart.
If the (CE)foundations are destroyed,
What can the righteous do?”

The Lord is in His (CF)holy temple; the [ac]Lords (CG)throne is in heaven;
His (CH)eyes see, His eyelids test the sons of mankind.
The Lord (CI)tests the righteous and (CJ)the wicked,
And His soul hates one who loves violence.
He will (CK)rain [ad]coals of fire upon the wicked,
(CL)And brimstone and (CM)burning wind will be the portion of (CN)their cup.
For the Lord is (CO)righteous, (CP)He loves [ae]righteousness;
The upright will (CQ)see His face.

God, a Helper against the Treacherous.

For the music director; [af]upon an eight-stringed lyre. A Psalm of David.

12 Help, Lord, for (CR)the godly person has come to an end,
For the faithful have disappeared from the sons of mankind.
They (CS)speak [ag]lies to one another;
They speak with [ah](CT)flattering lips and a double heart.
May the Lord cut off all [ai]flattering lips,
The tongue that (CU)speaks great things;
Who (CV)have said, “With our tongue we will prevail;
Our lips are [aj]our own; who is lord over us?”
“Because of the (CW)devastation of the poor, because of the groaning of the needy,
Now (CX)I will arise,” says the Lord; “I will (CY)put him in the safety for which he longs.”

The (CZ)words of the Lord are pure words;
Like silver (DA)refined in a furnace on the ground, filtered seven times.
You, Lord, will keep them;
You will (DB)protect him from this generation forever.
The (DC)wicked strut about on every side
When [ak](DD)vileness is exalted among the sons of mankind.

Prayer for Help in Trouble.

For the music director. A Psalm of David.

13 How long, Lord? Will You (DE)forget me forever?
How long (DF)will You hide Your face from me?
How long am I to (DG)feel anxious in my soul,
With (DH)grief in my heart all the day?
How long will my enemy be exalted over me?

(DI)Consider and answer me, O Lord my God;
(DJ)Enlighten my eyes, or I will (DK)sleep the sleep of death,
And my enemy will (DL)say, “I have overcome him,”
And (DM)my adversaries will rejoice when I am shaken.

But I have (DN)trusted in Your faithfulness;
My heart shall (DO)rejoice in Your salvation.
I will (DP)sing to the Lord,
Because He has (DQ)looked after me.

Foolishness and Wickedness of People.

For the music director. A Psalm of David.

14 The fool has (DR)said in his heart, “There is no God.”
They are corrupt, they have committed detestable acts;
There is (DS)no one who does good.
The Lord has (DT)looked down from heaven upon the sons of mankind
To see if there are any who [al](DU)understand,
Who (DV)seek God.
They have all (DW)turned aside, together they are corrupt;
There is (DX)no one who does good, not even one.

Do all the workers of injustice (DY)not know,
Who (DZ)devour my people as they eat bread,
And (EA)do not call upon the Lord?
There they are in great dread,
For God is with a (EB)righteous generation.
You would put to shame the plan of the poor,
But the Lord is his (EC)refuge.

Oh, that (ED)the salvation of Israel would come out of Zion!
When the Lord (EE)restores the fortunes of His people,
Jacob will rejoice, Israel will be glad.

Description of a Citizen of Zion.

A Psalm of David.

15 Lord, who may reside (EF)in Your tent?
Who may settle on Your (EG)holy hill?
One who (EH)walks with integrity, practices righteousness,
And (EI)speaks truth in his heart.
He (EJ)does not slander [am]with his tongue,
Nor (EK)do evil to his neighbor,
Nor (EL)bring shame on his friend;
A despicable person is despised in his eyes,
But he (EM)honors those who fear the Lord;
He (EN)takes an oath to his own detriment, and does not change;
He (EO)does not [an]lend his money [ao]at interest,
Nor (EP)does he take a bribe against the innocent.
(EQ)One who does these things will never be shaken.

The Lord, the Psalmist’s Portion in Life and Salvation in Death.

A [ap]Mikhtam of David.

16 (ER)Protect me, God, for (ES)I take refuge in You.
[aq]I said to the Lord, “You are [ar]my Lord;
I (ET)have nothing good besides You.”
As for the [as](EU)saints who are on the earth,
[at]They are the majestic ones; (EV)all my delight is in them.
[au]The (EW)pains of those who have acquired another god will be multiplied;
I will not pour out their drink offerings of (EX)blood,
Nor will I (EY)take their names upon my lips.

The Lord is the (EZ)portion of my inheritance and my (FA)cup;
You support my (FB)lot.
The measuring (FC)lines have fallen for me in pleasant places;
Indeed, my inheritance is (FD)beautiful to me.

I will bless the Lord who has (FE)advised me;
Indeed, my [av](FF)mind instructs me in the night.
(FG)I have (FH)set the Lord continually before me;
Because He is (FI)at my right hand, (FJ)I will not be shaken.
Therefore (FK)my heart is glad and (FL)my glory rejoices;
My flesh also will (FM)dwell securely.
10 For You (FN)will not abandon my soul to [aw]Sheol;
You will not [ax](FO)allow Your [ay]Holy One to [az]undergo decay.
11 You will make known to me (FP)the way of life;
In (FQ)Your presence is fullness of joy;
In Your right hand there are (FR)pleasures forever.

Prayer for Protection against Oppressors.

A Prayer of David.

17 Hear a (FS)just cause, Lord, (FT)give Your attention to my cry;
(FU)Listen to my prayer, which is not from (FV)deceitful lips.
Let (FW)my [ba]judgment come forth from Your presence;
Let Your eyes look with (FX)integrity.
You have (FY)put my heart to the test;
You have visited me by night;
You have (FZ)sifted me and (GA)You find [bb]nothing;
My (GB)intent is that my mouth will not offend.
As for the works of mankind, (GC)by the word of Your lips
I have kept from the (GD)ways of the violent.
My (GE)steps have held to Your [bc]paths.
My (GF)feet have not slipped.

I have (GG)called upon You, for You will answer me, God;
(GH)Incline Your ear to me, hear my speech.
(GI)Show Your wonderful faithfulness,
(GJ)Savior of those who take refuge [bd]at Your right hand
From those who rise up against them.
Keep me as [be]the (GK)apple of the eye;
Hide me (GL)in the shadow of Your wings
From the (GM)wicked who deal violently with me,
My (GN)deadly enemies who surround me.
10 They have (GO)closed their [bf]unfeeling hearts,
With their mouths they (GP)speak proudly.
11 They have now (GQ)surrounded us in our steps;
They set their eyes (GR)to cast us down to the ground.
12 He is (GS)like a lion that is eager to tear,
And as a young lion (GT)lurking in secret places.

13 (GU)Arise, Lord, confront him, (GV)make him bow down;
(GW)Save my soul from the wicked with (GX)Your sword,
14 From people by (GY)Your hand, Lord,
From people [bg]of the world, (GZ)whose portion is in this life,
And whose belly You (HA)fill with Your treasure;
They are satisfied with children,
And leave their abundance to their babies.
15 As for me, I shall (HB)behold Your face in righteousness;
(HC)I shall be satisfied with Your (HD)likeness when I awake.


  1. Psalm 9 Title Meaning of the Heb uncertain
  2. Psalm 9:1 Or miracles
  3. Psalm 9:4 Lit my right and my cause
  4. Psalm 9:4 Or a righteous Judge
  5. Psalm 9:6 Or O enemy, desolations are finished forever; And their cities You have uprooted
  6. Psalm 9:7 Or remains forever
  7. Psalm 9:9 Or Let the Lord also be
  8. Psalm 9:10 Or let put
  9. Psalm 9:12 I.e., avenges bloodshed
  10. Psalm 9:14 Or deliverance
  11. Psalm 9:16 Perhaps, resounding music or meditation
  12. Psalm 9:17 Or turn
  13. Psalm 9:17 I.e., the netherworld
  14. Psalm 10:1 Or Your eyes
  15. Psalm 10:2 Or They will be caught
  16. Psalm 10:3 Or blesses the greedy man
  17. Psalm 10:4 Lit the height of his nose
  18. Psalm 10:6 Lit To
  19. Psalm 10:8 Lit lie in wait
  20. Psalm 10:8 Or poor
  21. Psalm 10:9 Or thicket
  22. Psalm 10:10 Or unhappy
  23. Psalm 10:13 I.e., as though God will ignore it
  24. Psalm 10:14 Lit put, give
  25. Psalm 10:14 Or poor
  26. Psalm 10:15 Or May You seek
  27. Psalm 10:18 Lit judge
  28. Psalm 11:2 Or fixed
  29. Psalm 11:4 Lit Lord, His throne
  30. Psalm 11:6 As in a Gr version; MT snares; Fire and
  31. Psalm 11:7 Or righteous deeds
  32. Psalm 12 Title Or according to a lower octave (Heb Sheminith)
  33. Psalm 12:2 Lit worthless speech
  34. Psalm 12:2 Lit a smooth lip
  35. Psalm 12:3 Lit a smooth lip
  36. Psalm 12:4 Lit with us
  37. Psalm 12:8 Or worthlessness
  38. Psalm 14:2 Or act wisely
  39. Psalm 15:3 Lit according to
  40. Psalm 15:5 Lit give
  41. Psalm 15:5 I.e., to a fellow Israelite
  42. Psalm 16 Title Possibly Epigrammatic Poem or Atonement Psalm
  43. Psalm 16:2 Or O my soul, you said
  44. Psalm 16:2 Or the Lord
  45. Psalm 16:3 Lit holy ones; i.e., God’s people
  46. Psalm 16:3 Lit They, even the
  47. Psalm 16:4 Lit Their pains, they who acquired
  48. Psalm 16:7 Lit kidneys, figurative for inner man
  49. Psalm 16:10 I.e., the netherworld
  50. Psalm 16:10 Lit give
  51. Psalm 16:10 Or godly one
  52. Psalm 16:10 Or see corruption; or the pit
  53. Psalm 17:2 I.e., vindication
  54. Psalm 17:3 Or no shameful act in me; My mouth
  55. Psalm 17:5 Lit tracks
  56. Psalm 17:7 Or from those who rise Your right hand
  57. Psalm 17:8 Lit the pupil, the daughter of the eye
  58. Psalm 17:10 Lit fat
  59. Psalm 17:14 Or whose portion in life is of the world

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