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Dios juzgará al mundo

Salmo de Asaf.

50 El Dios de dioses, Jehová, ha hablado, y convocado la tierra,

Desde el nacimiento del sol hasta donde se pone.

De Sion, perfección de hermosura,

Dios ha resplandecido.

Vendrá nuestro Dios, y no callará;

Fuego consumirá delante de él,

Y tempestad poderosa le rodeará.

Convocará a los cielos de arriba,

Y a la tierra, para juzgar a su pueblo.

Juntadme mis santos,

Los que hicieron conmigo pacto con sacrificio.

Y los cielos declararán su justicia,

Porque Dios es el juez. Selah

Oye, pueblo mío, y hablaré;

Escucha, Israel, y testificaré contra ti:

Yo soy Dios, el Dios tuyo.

No te reprenderé por tus sacrificios,

Ni por tus holocaustos, que están continuamente delante de mí.

No tomaré de tu casa becerros,

Ni machos cabríos de tus apriscos.

10 Porque mía es toda bestia del bosque,

Y los millares de animales en los collados.

11 Conozco a todas las aves de los montes,

Y todo lo que se mueve en los campos me pertenece.

12 Si yo tuviese hambre, no te lo diría a ti;

Porque mío es el mundo y su plenitud.

13 ¿He de comer yo carne de toros,

O de beber sangre de machos cabríos?

14 Sacrifica a Dios alabanza,

Y paga tus votos al Altísimo;

15 E invócame en el día de la angustia;

Te libraré, y tú me honrarás.

16 Pero al malo dijo Dios:

¿Qué tienes tú que hablar de mis leyes,

Y que tomar mi pacto en tu boca?

17 Pues tú aborreces la corrección,

Y echas a tu espalda mis palabras.

18 Si veías al ladrón, tú corrías con él,

Y con los adúlteros era tu parte.

19 Tu boca metías en mal,

Y tu lengua componía engaño.

20 Tomabas asiento, y hablabas contra tu hermano;

Contra el hijo de tu madre ponías infamia.

21 Estas cosas hiciste, y yo he callado;

Pensabas que de cierto sería yo como tú;

Pero te reprenderé, y las pondré delante de tus ojos.

22 Entended ahora esto, los que os olvidáis de Dios,

No sea que os despedace, y no haya quien os libre.

23 El que sacrifica alabanza me honrará;

Y al que ordenare su camino,

Le mostraré la salvación de Dios.

Arrepentimiento, y plegaria pidiendo purificación

Al músico principal. Salmo de David, cuando después que se llegó a Betsabé, vino a él Natán el profeta.(A)

51 Ten piedad de mí, oh Dios, conforme a tu misericordia;

Conforme a la multitud de tus piedades borra mis rebeliones.

Lávame más y más de mi maldad,

Y límpiame de mi pecado.

Porque yo reconozco mis rebeliones,

Y mi pecado está siempre delante de mí.

Contra ti, contra ti solo he pecado,

Y he hecho lo malo delante de tus ojos;

Para que seas reconocido justo en tu palabra,

Y tenido por puro en tu juicio.(B)

He aquí, en maldad he sido formado,

Y en pecado me concibió mi madre.

He aquí, tú amas la verdad en lo íntimo,

Y en lo secreto me has hecho comprender sabiduría.

Purifícame con hisopo, y seré limpio;

Lávame, y seré más blanco que la nieve.

Hazme oír gozo y alegría,

Y se recrearán los huesos que has abatido.

Esconde tu rostro de mis pecados,

Y borra todas mis maldades.

10 Crea en mí, oh Dios, un corazón limpio,

Y renueva un espíritu recto dentro de mí.

11 No me eches de delante de ti,

Y no quites de mí tu santo Espíritu.

12 Vuélveme el gozo de tu salvación,

Y espíritu noble me sustente.

13 Entonces enseñaré a los transgresores tus caminos,

Y los pecadores se convertirán a ti.

14 Líbrame de homicidios, oh Dios, Dios de mi salvación;

Cantará mi lengua tu justicia.

15 Señor, abre mis labios,

Y publicará mi boca tu alabanza.

16 Porque no quieres sacrificio, que yo lo daría;

No quieres holocausto.

17 Los sacrificios de Dios son el espíritu quebrantado;

Al corazón contrito y humillado no despreciarás tú, oh Dios.

18 Haz bien con tu benevolencia a Sion;

Edifica los muros de Jerusalén.

19 Entonces te agradarán los sacrificios de justicia,

El holocausto u ofrenda del todo quemada;

Entonces ofrecerán becerros sobre tu altar.

Futilidad de la jactancia del malo

Al músico principal. Masquil de David, cuando vino Doeg edomita y dio cuenta a Saúl diciéndole: David ha venido a casa de Ahimelec.(C)

52 ¿Por qué te jactas de maldad, oh poderoso?

La misericordia de Dios es continua.

Agravios maquina tu lengua;

Como navaja afilada hace engaño.

Amaste el mal más que el bien,

La mentira más que la verdad. Selah

Has amado toda suerte de palabras perniciosas,

Engañosa lengua.

Por tanto, Dios te destruirá para siempre;

Te asolará y te arrancará de tu morada,

Y te desarraigará de la tierra de los vivientes. Selah

Verán los justos, y temerán;

Se reirán de él, diciendo:

He aquí el hombre que no puso a Dios por su fortaleza,

Sino que confió en la multitud de sus riquezas,

Y se mantuvo en su maldad.

Pero yo estoy como olivo verde en la casa de Dios;

En la misericordia de Dios confío eternamente y para siempre.

Te alabaré para siempre, porque lo has hecho así;

Y esperaré en tu nombre, porque es bueno, delante de tus santos.

Insensatez y maldad de los hombres

(Sal. 14.1-7)

Al músico principal; sobre Mahalat. Masquil de David.

53 Dice el necio en su corazón: No hay Dios.

Se han corrompido, e hicieron abominable maldad;

No hay quien haga bien.

Dios desde los cielos miró sobre los hijos de los hombres,

Para ver si había algún entendido

Que buscara a Dios.

Cada uno se había vuelto atrás; todos se habían corrompido;

No hay quien haga lo bueno, no hay ni aun uno.(D)

¿No tienen conocimiento todos los que hacen iniquidad,

Que devoran a mi pueblo como si comiesen pan,

Y a Dios no invocan?

Allí se sobresaltaron de pavor donde no había miedo,

Porque Dios ha esparcido los huesos del que puso asedio contra ti;

Los avergonzaste, porque Dios los desechó.

¡Oh, si saliera de Sion la salvación de Israel!

Cuando Dios hiciere volver de la cautividad a su pueblo,

Se gozará Jacob, y se alegrará Israel.

Plegaria pidiendo protección contra los enemigos

Al músico principal; en Neginot. Masquil de David, cuando vinieron los zifeos y dijeron a Saúl: ¿No está David escondido en nuestra tierra?(E)

54 Oh Dios, sálvame por tu nombre,

Y con tu poder defiéndeme.

Oh Dios, oye mi oración;

Escucha las razones de mi boca.

Porque extraños se han levantado contra mí,

Y hombres violentos buscan mi vida;

No han puesto a Dios delante de sí. Selah

He aquí, Dios es el que me ayuda;

El Señor está con los que sostienen mi vida.

Él devolverá el mal a mis enemigos;

Córtalos por tu verdad.

Voluntariamente sacrificaré a ti;

Alabaré tu nombre, oh Jehová, porque es bueno.

Porque él me ha librado de toda angustia,

Y mis ojos han visto la ruina de mis enemigos.

Plegaria pidiendo la destrucción de enemigos traicioneros

Al músico principal; en Neginot. Masquil de David.

55 Escucha, oh Dios, mi oración,

Y no te escondas de mi súplica.

Está atento, y respóndeme;

Clamo en mi oración, y me conmuevo,

A causa de la voz del enemigo,

Por la opresión del impío;

Porque sobre mí echaron iniquidad,

Y con furor me persiguen.

Mi corazón está dolorido dentro de mí,

Y terrores de muerte sobre mí han caído.

Temor y temblor vinieron sobre mí,

Y terror me ha cubierto.

Y dije: ¡Quién me diese alas como de paloma!

Volaría yo, y descansaría.

Ciertamente huiría lejos;

Moraría en el desierto. Selah

Me apresuraría a escapar

Del viento borrascoso, de la tempestad.

Destrúyelos, oh Señor; confunde la lengua de ellos;

Porque he visto violencia y rencilla en la ciudad.

10 Día y noche la rodean sobre sus muros,

E iniquidad y trabajo hay en medio de ella.

11 Maldad hay en medio de ella,

Y el fraude y el engaño no se apartan de sus plazas.

12 Porque no me afrentó un enemigo,

Lo cual habría soportado;

Ni se alzó contra mí el que me aborrecía,

Porque me hubiera ocultado de él;

13 Sino tú, hombre, al parecer íntimo mío,

Mi guía, y mi familiar;

14 Que juntos comunicábamos dulcemente los secretos,

Y andábamos en amistad en la casa de Dios.

15 Que la muerte les sorprenda;

Desciendan vivos al Seol,

Porque hay maldades en sus moradas, en medio de ellos.

16 En cuanto a mí, a Dios clamaré;

Y Jehová me salvará.

17 Tarde y mañana y a mediodía oraré y clamaré,

Y él oirá mi voz.

18 Él redimirá en paz mi alma de la guerra contra mí,

Aunque contra mí haya muchos.

19 Dios oirá, y los quebrantará luego,

El que permanece desde la antigüedad;

Por cuanto no cambian,

Ni temen a Dios. Selah

20 Extendió el inicuo sus manos contra los que estaban en paz con él;

Violó su pacto.

21 Los dichos de su boca son más blandos que mantequilla,

Pero guerra hay en su corazón;

Suaviza sus palabras más que el aceite,

Mas ellas son espadas desnudas.

22 Echa sobre Jehová tu carga, y él te sustentará;

No dejará para siempre caído al justo.

23 Mas tú, oh Dios, harás descender aquellos al pozo de perdición.

Los hombres sanguinarios y engañadores no llegarán a la mitad de sus días;

Pero yo en ti confiaré.

Oración de confianza

Al músico principal; sobre La paloma silenciosa en paraje muy distante. Mictam de David, cuando los filisteos le prendieron en Gat.(F)

56 Ten misericordia de mí, oh Dios, porque me devoraría el hombre;

Me oprime combatiéndome cada día.

Todo el día mis enemigos me pisotean;

Porque muchos son los que pelean contra mí con soberbia.

En el día que temo,

Yo en ti confío.

En Dios alabaré su palabra;

En Dios he confiado; no temeré;

¿Qué puede hacerme el hombre?

Todos los días ellos pervierten mi causa;

Contra mí son todos sus pensamientos para mal.

Se reúnen, se esconden,

Miran atentamente mis pasos,

Como quienes acechan a mi alma.

Pésalos según su iniquidad, oh Dios,

Y derriba en tu furor a los pueblos.

Mis huidas tú has contado;

Pon mis lágrimas en tu redoma;

¿No están ellas en tu libro?

Serán luego vueltos atrás mis enemigos, el día en que yo clamare;

Esto sé, que Dios está por mí.

10 En Dios alabaré su palabra;

En Jehová su palabra alabaré.

11 En Dios he confiado; no temeré;

¿Qué puede hacerme el hombre?

12 Sobre mí, oh Dios, están tus votos;

Te tributaré alabanzas.

13 Porque has librado mi alma de la muerte,

Y mis pies de caída,

Para que ande delante de Dios

En la luz de los que viven.

God, the Judge of the Righteous and the Wicked.

A Psalm of [a]Asaph.

50 (A)The Mighty One, God, the Lord, has spoken
And summoned the earth, (B)from [b]the rising of the sun to its setting.
Out of Zion, (C)the perfection of beauty,
God (D)has shone.
May our God (E)come and not keep silent;
(F)Fire devours before Him,
And a storm is violently (G)raging around Him.
He (H)summons the heavens above,
And the earth, to judge His people:
“Gather My (I)godly ones to Me,
Those who have made a (J)covenant with Me by (K)sacrifice.”
And the (L)heavens declare His righteousness,
For (M)God Himself is judge. Selah

(N)Hear, My people, and I will speak;
Israel, I will testify [c]against you;
I am God, (O)your God.
I do (P)not rebuke you for your sacrifices,
And your burnt offerings are continually before Me.
I will not take a (Q)bull from your house,
Nor male goats from your folds.
10 For (R)every animal of the forest is Mine,
The cattle on a thousand hills.
11 I know every (S)bird of the mountains,
And everything that moves in the field is [d]Mine.
12 If I were hungry I would not tell you,
For the (T)world is Mine, and [e]everything it contains.
13 Shall I eat the flesh of [f](U)bulls
Or drink the blood of male goats?
14 Offer God (V)a sacrifice of thanksgiving
And (W)pay your vows to the Most High;
15 (X)Call upon Me on the day of trouble;
I will (Y)rescue you, and you will (Z)honor Me.”

16 But to the wicked God says,
“What right do you have to tell of My statutes
And to take (AA)My covenant in your mouth?
17 For you yourself (AB)hate discipline,
And you (AC)throw My words behind you.
18 When you see a thief, you (AD)become friends with him,
And [g]you (AE)associate with adulterers.
19 You [h](AF)let your mouth loose in evil,
And your (AG)tongue harnesses deceit.
20 You sit and (AH)speak against your brother;
You slander your own mother’s son.
21 These things you have done and (AI)I kept silent;
You thought that I was just like you;
I will (AJ)rebuke you and present the case before your eyes.

22 “Now consider this, you who (AK)forget God,
Or I will (AL)tear you in pieces, and there will be no one to save you.
23 He who (AM)offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me;
And to him who (AN)sets his way properly
I will (AO)show the salvation of God.”

A Contrite Sinner’s Prayer for Pardon.

For the music director. A Psalm of David, when [i]Nathan the prophet came to him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba.

51 (AP)Be gracious to me, God, according to Your faithfulness;
According to the greatness of (AQ)Your compassion, (AR)wipe out my wrongdoings.
(AS)Wash me thoroughly from my guilt
And (AT)cleanse me from my sin.
For I (AU)know my wrongdoings,
And my sin is constantly before me.
(AV)Against You, You only, I have sinned
And done what is (AW)evil in Your sight,
So that (AX)You [j]are justified [k]when You speak
And [l]blameless when You judge.

Behold, I was (AY)brought forth in guilt,
And in sin my mother conceived me.
Behold, You desire (AZ)truth in the [m]innermost being,
And in secret You will (BA)make wisdom known to me.
[n]Purify me (BB)with hyssop, and I will be clean;
[o]Cleanse me, and I will be (BC)whiter than snow.
[p]Let me hear (BD)joy and gladness,
Let the (BE)bones You have broken rejoice.
(BF)Hide Your face from my sins
And wipe out all my guilty deeds.

10 (BG)Create [q]in me a (BH)clean heart, God,
And renew a (BI)steadfast spirit within me.
11 (BJ)Do not cast me away from Your presence,
And do not take Your (BK)Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the (BL)joy of Your salvation,
And sustain me with a (BM)willing spirit.
13 Then I will (BN)teach wrongdoers Your ways,
And sinners will [r]be (BO)converted to You.

14 Save me from (BP)the guilt of bloodshed, God, (BQ)the God of my salvation;
Then my (BR)tongue will joyfully sing of Your righteousness.
15 Lord, [s](BS)open my lips,
So that my mouth may (BT)declare Your praise.
16 For You (BU)do not delight in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it;
You do not take pleasure in burnt offering.
17 The sacrifices of God are a (BV)broken spirit;
A broken and a contrite heart, God, You will not despise.

18 (BW)By Your favor do good to Zion;
[t](BX)Build the walls of Jerusalem.
19 Then You will delight in [u](BY)righteous sacrifices,
In (BZ)burnt offering and whole burnt offering;
Then [v]bulls will be offered on Your altar.

Futility of Boastful Wickedness.

For the music director. A [w]Maskil of David, [x]when Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul and said to him, “David has come to the house of Ahimelech.”

52 Why do you (CA)boast in evil, you mighty man?
The (CB)faithfulness of God endures all day long.
Your tongue devises (CC)destruction,
Like a (CD)sharp razor, (CE)you worker of deceit.
You (CF)love evil more than good,
(CG)Lies more than speaking what is right. Selah
You love all words that devour,
You (CH)deceitful tongue.

[y]But God will break you down forever;
He will snatch you up and (CI)tear you away from your tent,
And (CJ)uproot you from the (CK)land of the living. Selah
The righteous will (CL)see and fear,
And they will (CM)laugh at him, saying,
“Behold, the man who would not make God his refuge,
But (CN)trusted in the abundance of his riches
And (CO)was strong in [z]his evil desire.”

But as for me, I am like a (CP)green olive tree in the house of God;
I (CQ)trust in the faithfulness of God forever and ever.
I will (CR)praise You forever, because You have done it,
And I will wait on Your name, (CS)for it is good, in the presence of Your godly ones.

Foolishness and Wickedness of People.

For the music director; according to [aa]Mahalath. A [ab]Maskil of David.

53 (CT)The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and have committed abominable injustice;
(CU)There is no one who does good.
God has looked down from heaven upon the sons of mankind
To see if there is (CV)anyone who [ac]understands,
Who (CW)seeks after God.
(CX)Every one of them has turned aside; together they have become corrupt;
There is no one who does good, not even one.

Have the workers of injustice (CY)no knowledge,
Who eat up My people like they ate bread,
And have not called upon God?
They were in great [ad]fear there, (CZ)where no [ae]fear had been;
For God (DA)scattered the bones of [af]him who encamped against you;
You (DB)put them to shame, because (DC)God had rejected them.
Oh, that (DD)the salvation of Israel would come from Zion!
When God restores the fortunes of His people,
Jacob shall rejoice, Israel shall be glad.

Prayer for Defense against Enemies.

For the music director; on stringed instruments. A [ag]Maskil of David, [ah]when the Ziphites came and said to Saul, “Is David not keeping himself hidden among us?”

54 Save me, God, by (DE)Your name,
And [ai]vindicate me by (DF)Your power.
(DG)Hear my prayer, God;
(DH)Listen to the words of my mouth.
For strangers have (DI)risen against me
And (DJ)violent men have (DK)sought my [aj]life;
They have (DL)not set God before them. Selah

Behold, (DM)God is my helper;
The Lord is [ak]the (DN)sustainer of my soul.
[al]He will (DO)pay back the evil to my enemies;
[am](DP)Destroy them (DQ)in Your [an]faithfulness.

[ao](DR)Willingly I will sacrifice to You;
I will (DS)praise Your name, Lord, for it is good.
For [ap]He has (DT)saved me from all [aq]trouble,
And my eye has (DU)looked with satisfaction upon my enemies.

Prayer for the Destruction of the Treacherous.

For the music director; on stringed instruments. A [ar]Maskil of David.

55 (DV)Listen to my prayer, God;
And (DW)do not hide Yourself from my pleading.
Give Your (DX)attention to me and answer me;
I am restless in my (DY)complaint and [as](DZ)severely distracted,
Because of the voice of the enemy,
Because of the (EA)pressure of the wicked;
For they (EB)bring down [at]trouble upon me
And in anger they (EC)hold a grudge against me.

My (ED)heart is in anguish within me,
And the terrors of (EE)death have fallen upon me.
Fear and (EF)trembling come upon me,
And [au](EG)horror has [av]overwhelmed me.
I said, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove!
I would fly away and [aw](EH)be at rest.
Behold, I would flee far away,
I would (EI)spend my nights in the wilderness. Selah
I would hurry to my place of refuge
From the (EJ)stormy wind and heavy gale.”

Confuse them, Lord, (EK)divide their tongues,
For I have seen (EL)violence and strife in the city.
10 Day and night they go around her upon her walls,
And evil and harm are in her midst.
11 (EM)Destruction is in her midst;
(EN)Oppression and deceit do not depart from her [ax]streets.

12 For it is (EO)not an enemy who taunts me,
Then I could endure it;
Nor is it one who hates me who (EP)has exalted himself against me,
Then I could hide myself from him.
13 But it is you, a man [ay]my equal,
My (EQ)companion and my (ER)confidant;
14 We who had sweet [az]fellowship together,
(ES)Walked in the house of God among the commotion.
15 May [ba]death come (ET)deceitfully upon them;
May they (EU)go down alive to [bb]Sheol,
For evil is in their dwelling, in their midst.

16 As for me, I shall (EV)call upon God,
And the Lord will save me.
17 (EW)Evening and (EX)morning and at (EY)noon, I will complain and moan,
And He will hear my voice.
18 He will (EZ)redeem my soul in peace [bc]from the battle which is against me,
For they are (FA)many who are aggressive toward me.
19 God will (FB)hear and humiliate them—
Even the one (FC)who [bd]sits enthroned from ancient times— Selah
With whom there [be]is no change,
And who (FD)do not fear God.
20 He has put forth his hands against (FE)those who were at peace with him;
He has [bf](FF)violated his covenant.
21 His [bg]speech was (FG)smoother than butter,
But his heart was war;
His words were (FH)softer than oil,
Yet they were drawn (FI)swords.

22 (FJ)Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you;
(FK)He will never allow the righteous to [bh](FL)be shaken.
23 But You, God, will bring them down to the (FM)pit of destruction;
(FN)Men of bloodshed and deceit will (FO)not live out half their days.
But I will (FP)trust in You.

Pleading for Help and Grateful Trust in God.

For the music director; according to [bi]Jonath elem rehokim. A [bj]Mikhtam of David, [bk]when the Philistines seized him in Gath.

56 Be gracious to me, God, for a man has [bl](FQ)trampled upon me;
[bm]Fighting all day long he (FR)oppresses me.
My enemies have (FS)trampled upon me all day long,
For [bn]they are many who (FT)fight proudly against me.
[bo]When I am (FU)afraid,
[bp]I will (FV)put my trust in You.
(FW)In God, whose word I praise,
In God I have put my trust;
I shall not be afraid.
(FX)What can mere [bq]mortals do to me?
All day long they (FY)distort my words;
All their [br](FZ)thoughts are against me for evil.
They [bs](GA)attack, they lurk,
They (GB)watch my [bt]steps,
As they have (GC)waited to take my [bu]life.
Because of their wickedness, will there be an (GD)escape for them?
In anger (GE)make the peoples fall down, God!

You (GF)have taken account of my [bv]miseries;
Put my (GG)tears in Your bottle.
Are they not in (GH)Your book?
Then my enemies will (GI)turn back (GJ)on the day when I call;
This I know, [bw]that (GK)God is for me.
10 In God, whose word I praise,
In the Lord, whose word I praise,
11 In God I have put my [bx]trust, I shall not be afraid.
What can mankind do to me?
12 Your (GL)vows are binding upon me, God;
I will render thanksgiving offerings to You.
13 For You have (GM)saved my soul from death,
[by]Indeed (GN)my feet from stumbling,
So that I may (GO)walk before God
In the (GP)light of the [bz]living.


  1. Psalm 50 Title 1 Chr 15:17; 2 Chr 29:30
  2. Psalm 50:1 I.e., the east to the west
  3. Psalm 50:7 Or to
  4. Psalm 50:11 Or in My mind; lit with Me
  5. Psalm 50:12 Lit its fullness
  6. Psalm 50:13 Lit strong ones
  7. Psalm 50:18 Lit your part is with
  8. Psalm 50:19 Lit send
  9. Psalm 51 Title 2 Sam 12:1
  10. Psalm 51:4 Or may be in the right
  11. Psalm 51:4 Many mss in Your words
  12. Psalm 51:4 Lit pure
  13. Psalm 51:6 Or inward parts
  14. Psalm 51:7 Or May You purify...that I may be clean
  15. Psalm 51:7 Or May You cleanse
  16. Psalm 51:8 Or May You cause
  17. Psalm 51:10 Lit for
  18. Psalm 51:13 Or turn back
  19. Psalm 51:15 Or may You open
  20. Psalm 51:18 Or May You build
  21. Psalm 51:19 Or sacrifices of righteousness
  22. Psalm 51:19 Lit they will offer bulls
  23. Psalm 52 Title Possibly Contemplative; or Didactic; or Skillful Psalm
  24. Psalm 52 Title 1 Sam 22:9
  25. Psalm 52:5 Or Also
  26. Psalm 52:7 Or his destruction
  27. Psalm 53 Title I.e., sickness, a sad tone
  28. Psalm 53 Title Possibly Contemplative; or Didactic; or Skillful Psalm
  29. Psalm 53:2 Or acts wisely
  30. Psalm 53:5 Or dread
  31. Psalm 53:5 Or dread
  32. Psalm 53:5 Or possibly those
  33. Psalm 54 Title Possibly Contemplative; or Didactic; or Skillful Psalm
  34. Psalm 54 Title 1 Sam 23:19; 26:1
  35. Psalm 54:1 Lit judge
  36. Psalm 54:3 Or soul
  37. Psalm 54:4 Lit as those who sustain
  38. Psalm 54:5 LXX; MT The evil will return
  39. Psalm 54:5 Or Put to silence
  40. Psalm 54:5 Or truth
  41. Psalm 54:6 Or With a voluntary offering
  42. Psalm 54:7 Or it; i.e., His name
  43. Psalm 54:7 Or distress
  44. Psalm 55 Title Possibly Contemplative; or Didactic; or Skillful Psalm
  45. Psalm 55:2 Another reading is I must moan
  46. Psalm 55:3 Or wickedness
  47. Psalm 55:5 Lit shuddering
  48. Psalm 55:5 Lit covered
  49. Psalm 55:6 Lit settle down
  50. Psalm 55:11 Or plaza
  51. Psalm 55:13 Lit according to my valuation
  52. Psalm 55:14 Lit counsel; or intimacy
  53. Psalm 55:15 Another reading is devastation be upon them
  54. Psalm 55:15 I.e., the netherworld
  55. Psalm 55:18 Or so that none may approach me
  56. Psalm 55:19 Or remains from
  57. Psalm 55:19 Lit are no changes
  58. Psalm 55:20 Lit profaned
  59. Psalm 55:21 Lit mouth
  60. Psalm 55:22 Or totter
  61. Psalm 56 Title Or The silent dove of those who are far off; or The dove of the distant terebinths
  62. Psalm 56 Title Possibly Epigrammatic Poem; or Atonement Psalm
  63. Psalm 56 Title 1 Sam 21:10, 11
  64. Psalm 56:1 Or snapped at
  65. Psalm 56:1 Or A fighting man
  66. Psalm 56:2 Or many are fighting
  67. Psalm 56:3 Lit The day
  68. Psalm 56:3 Or I am one who puts
  69. Psalm 56:4 Lit flesh
  70. Psalm 56:5 Or purposes
  71. Psalm 56:6 Or stir up strife
  72. Psalm 56:6 Lit heels
  73. Psalm 56:6 Lit soul
  74. Psalm 56:8 Or wanderings
  75. Psalm 56:9 Or because
  76. Psalm 56:11 Or trust without fear
  77. Psalm 56:13 Or Have You not delivered
  78. Psalm 56:13 Or life

Dios juzgará al mundo

Salmo de Asaf.

50 El Dios de dioses, Jehová, ha hablado, y convocado la tierra,

Desde el nacimiento del sol hasta donde se pone.

De Sion, perfección de hermosura,

Dios ha resplandecido.

Vendrá nuestro Dios, y no callará;

Fuego consumirá delante de él,

Y tempestad poderosa le rodeará.

Convocará a los cielos de arriba,

Y a la tierra, para juzgar a su pueblo.

Juntadme mis santos,

Los que hicieron conmigo pacto con sacrificio.

Y los cielos declararán su justicia,

Porque Dios es el juez. Selah

Oye, pueblo mío, y hablaré;

Escucha, Israel, y testificaré contra ti:

Yo soy Dios, el Dios tuyo.

No te reprenderé por tus sacrificios,

Ni por tus holocaustos, que están continuamente delante de mí.

No tomaré de tu casa becerros,

Ni machos cabríos de tus apriscos.

10 Porque mía es toda bestia del bosque,

Y los millares de animales en los collados.

11 Conozco a todas las aves de los montes,

Y todo lo que se mueve en los campos me pertenece.

12 Si yo tuviese hambre, no te lo diría a ti;

Porque mío es el mundo y su plenitud.

13 ¿He de comer yo carne de toros,

O de beber sangre de machos cabríos?

14 Sacrifica a Dios alabanza,

Y paga tus votos al Altísimo;

15 E invócame en el día de la angustia;

Te libraré, y tú me honrarás.

16 Pero al malo dijo Dios:

¿Qué tienes tú que hablar de mis leyes,

Y que tomar mi pacto en tu boca?

17 Pues tú aborreces la corrección,

Y echas a tu espalda mis palabras.

18 Si veías al ladrón, tú corrías con él,

Y con los adúlteros era tu parte.

19 Tu boca metías en mal,

Y tu lengua componía engaño.

20 Tomabas asiento, y hablabas contra tu hermano;

Contra el hijo de tu madre ponías infamia.

21 Estas cosas hiciste, y yo he callado;

Pensabas que de cierto sería yo como tú;

Pero te reprenderé, y las pondré delante de tus ojos.

22 Entended ahora esto, los que os olvidáis de Dios,

No sea que os despedace, y no haya quien os libre.

23 El que sacrifica alabanza me honrará;

Y al que ordenare su camino,

Le mostraré la salvación de Dios.

Arrepentimiento, y plegaria pidiendo purificación

Al músico principal. Salmo de David, cuando después que se llegó a Betsabé, vino a él Natán el profeta.(A)

51 Ten piedad de mí, oh Dios, conforme a tu misericordia;

Conforme a la multitud de tus piedades borra mis rebeliones.

Lávame más y más de mi maldad,

Y límpiame de mi pecado.

Porque yo reconozco mis rebeliones,

Y mi pecado está siempre delante de mí.

Contra ti, contra ti solo he pecado,

Y he hecho lo malo delante de tus ojos;

Para que seas reconocido justo en tu palabra,

Y tenido por puro en tu juicio.(B)

He aquí, en maldad he sido formado,

Y en pecado me concibió mi madre.

He aquí, tú amas la verdad en lo íntimo,

Y en lo secreto me has hecho comprender sabiduría.

Purifícame con hisopo, y seré limpio;

Lávame, y seré más blanco que la nieve.

Hazme oír gozo y alegría,

Y se recrearán los huesos que has abatido.

Esconde tu rostro de mis pecados,

Y borra todas mis maldades.

10 Crea en mí, oh Dios, un corazón limpio,

Y renueva un espíritu recto dentro de mí.

11 No me eches de delante de ti,

Y no quites de mí tu santo Espíritu.

12 Vuélveme el gozo de tu salvación,

Y espíritu noble me sustente.

13 Entonces enseñaré a los transgresores tus caminos,

Y los pecadores se convertirán a ti.

14 Líbrame de homicidios, oh Dios, Dios de mi salvación;

Cantará mi lengua tu justicia.

15 Señor, abre mis labios,

Y publicará mi boca tu alabanza.

16 Porque no quieres sacrificio, que yo lo daría;

No quieres holocausto.

17 Los sacrificios de Dios son el espíritu quebrantado;

Al corazón contrito y humillado no despreciarás tú, oh Dios.

18 Haz bien con tu benevolencia a Sion;

Edifica los muros de Jerusalén.

19 Entonces te agradarán los sacrificios de justicia,

El holocausto u ofrenda del todo quemada;

Entonces ofrecerán becerros sobre tu altar.

Futilidad de la jactancia del malo

Al músico principal. Masquil de David, cuando vino Doeg edomita y dio cuenta a Saúl diciéndole: David ha venido a casa de Ahimelec.(C)

52 ¿Por qué te jactas de maldad, oh poderoso?

La misericordia de Dios es continua.

Agravios maquina tu lengua;

Como navaja afilada hace engaño.

Amaste el mal más que el bien,

La mentira más que la verdad. Selah

Has amado toda suerte de palabras perniciosas,

Engañosa lengua.

Por tanto, Dios te destruirá para siempre;

Te asolará y te arrancará de tu morada,

Y te desarraigará de la tierra de los vivientes. Selah

Verán los justos, y temerán;

Se reirán de él, diciendo:

He aquí el hombre que no puso a Dios por su fortaleza,

Sino que confió en la multitud de sus riquezas,

Y se mantuvo en su maldad.

Pero yo estoy como olivo verde en la casa de Dios;

En la misericordia de Dios confío eternamente y para siempre.

Te alabaré para siempre, porque lo has hecho así;

Y esperaré en tu nombre, porque es bueno, delante de tus santos.

Insensatez y maldad de los hombres

(Sal. 14.1-7)

Al músico principal; sobre Mahalat. Masquil de David.

53 Dice el necio en su corazón: No hay Dios.

Se han corrompido, e hicieron abominable maldad;

No hay quien haga bien.

Dios desde los cielos miró sobre los hijos de los hombres,

Para ver si había algún entendido

Que buscara a Dios.

Cada uno se había vuelto atrás; todos se habían corrompido;

No hay quien haga lo bueno, no hay ni aun uno.(D)

¿No tienen conocimiento todos los que hacen iniquidad,

Que devoran a mi pueblo como si comiesen pan,

Y a Dios no invocan?

Allí se sobresaltaron de pavor donde no había miedo,

Porque Dios ha esparcido los huesos del que puso asedio contra ti;

Los avergonzaste, porque Dios los desechó.

¡Oh, si saliera de Sion la salvación de Israel!

Cuando Dios hiciere volver de la cautividad a su pueblo,

Se gozará Jacob, y se alegrará Israel.

Plegaria pidiendo protección contra los enemigos

Al músico principal; en Neginot. Masquil de David, cuando vinieron los zifeos y dijeron a Saúl: ¿No está David escondido en nuestra tierra?(E)

54 Oh Dios, sálvame por tu nombre,

Y con tu poder defiéndeme.

Oh Dios, oye mi oración;

Escucha las razones de mi boca.

Porque extraños se han levantado contra mí,

Y hombres violentos buscan mi vida;

No han puesto a Dios delante de sí. Selah

He aquí, Dios es el que me ayuda;

El Señor está con los que sostienen mi vida.

Él devolverá el mal a mis enemigos;

Córtalos por tu verdad.

Voluntariamente sacrificaré a ti;

Alabaré tu nombre, oh Jehová, porque es bueno.

Porque él me ha librado de toda angustia,

Y mis ojos han visto la ruina de mis enemigos.

Plegaria pidiendo la destrucción de enemigos traicioneros

Al músico principal; en Neginot. Masquil de David.

55 Escucha, oh Dios, mi oración,

Y no te escondas de mi súplica.

Está atento, y respóndeme;

Clamo en mi oración, y me conmuevo,

A causa de la voz del enemigo,

Por la opresión del impío;

Porque sobre mí echaron iniquidad,

Y con furor me persiguen.

Mi corazón está dolorido dentro de mí,

Y terrores de muerte sobre mí han caído.

Temor y temblor vinieron sobre mí,

Y terror me ha cubierto.

Y dije: ¡Quién me diese alas como de paloma!

Volaría yo, y descansaría.

Ciertamente huiría lejos;

Moraría en el desierto. Selah

Me apresuraría a escapar

Del viento borrascoso, de la tempestad.

Destrúyelos, oh Señor; confunde la lengua de ellos;

Porque he visto violencia y rencilla en la ciudad.

10 Día y noche la rodean sobre sus muros,

E iniquidad y trabajo hay en medio de ella.

11 Maldad hay en medio de ella,

Y el fraude y el engaño no se apartan de sus plazas.

12 Porque no me afrentó un enemigo,

Lo cual habría soportado;

Ni se alzó contra mí el que me aborrecía,

Porque me hubiera ocultado de él;

13 Sino tú, hombre, al parecer íntimo mío,

Mi guía, y mi familiar;

14 Que juntos comunicábamos dulcemente los secretos,

Y andábamos en amistad en la casa de Dios.

15 Que la muerte les sorprenda;

Desciendan vivos al Seol,

Porque hay maldades en sus moradas, en medio de ellos.

16 En cuanto a mí, a Dios clamaré;

Y Jehová me salvará.

17 Tarde y mañana y a mediodía oraré y clamaré,

Y él oirá mi voz.

18 Él redimirá en paz mi alma de la guerra contra mí,

Aunque contra mí haya muchos.

19 Dios oirá, y los quebrantará luego,

El que permanece desde la antigüedad;

Por cuanto no cambian,

Ni temen a Dios. Selah

20 Extendió el inicuo sus manos contra los que estaban en paz con él;

Violó su pacto.

21 Los dichos de su boca son más blandos que mantequilla,

Pero guerra hay en su corazón;

Suaviza sus palabras más que el aceite,

Mas ellas son espadas desnudas.

22 Echa sobre Jehová tu carga, y él te sustentará;

No dejará para siempre caído al justo.

23 Mas tú, oh Dios, harás descender aquellos al pozo de perdición.

Los hombres sanguinarios y engañadores no llegarán a la mitad de sus días;

Pero yo en ti confiaré.

Oración de confianza

Al músico principal; sobre La paloma silenciosa en paraje muy distante. Mictam de David, cuando los filisteos le prendieron en Gat.(F)

56 Ten misericordia de mí, oh Dios, porque me devoraría el hombre;

Me oprime combatiéndome cada día.

Todo el día mis enemigos me pisotean;

Porque muchos son los que pelean contra mí con soberbia.

En el día que temo,

Yo en ti confío.

En Dios alabaré su palabra;

En Dios he confiado; no temeré;

¿Qué puede hacerme el hombre?

Todos los días ellos pervierten mi causa;

Contra mí son todos sus pensamientos para mal.

Se reúnen, se esconden,

Miran atentamente mis pasos,

Como quienes acechan a mi alma.

Pésalos según su iniquidad, oh Dios,

Y derriba en tu furor a los pueblos.

Mis huidas tú has contado;

Pon mis lágrimas en tu redoma;

¿No están ellas en tu libro?

Serán luego vueltos atrás mis enemigos, el día en que yo clamare;

Esto sé, que Dios está por mí.

10 En Dios alabaré su palabra;

En Jehová su palabra alabaré.

11 En Dios he confiado; no temeré;

¿Qué puede hacerme el hombre?

12 Sobre mí, oh Dios, están tus votos;

Te tributaré alabanzas.

13 Porque has librado mi alma de la muerte,

Y mis pies de caída,

Para que ande delante de Dios

En la luz de los que viven.

God, the Judge of the Righteous and the Wicked.

A Psalm of [a]Asaph.

50 (A)The Mighty One, God, the Lord, has spoken
And summoned the earth, (B)from [b]the rising of the sun to its setting.
Out of Zion, (C)the perfection of beauty,
God (D)has shone.
May our God (E)come and not keep silent;
(F)Fire devours before Him,
And a storm is violently (G)raging around Him.
He (H)summons the heavens above,
And the earth, to judge His people:
“Gather My (I)godly ones to Me,
Those who have made a (J)covenant with Me by (K)sacrifice.”
And the (L)heavens declare His righteousness,
For (M)God Himself is judge. Selah

(N)Hear, My people, and I will speak;
Israel, I will testify [c]against you;
I am God, (O)your God.
I do (P)not rebuke you for your sacrifices,
And your burnt offerings are continually before Me.
I will not take a (Q)bull from your house,
Nor male goats from your folds.
10 For (R)every animal of the forest is Mine,
The cattle on a thousand hills.
11 I know every (S)bird of the mountains,
And everything that moves in the field is [d]Mine.
12 If I were hungry I would not tell you,
For the (T)world is Mine, and [e]everything it contains.
13 Shall I eat the flesh of [f](U)bulls
Or drink the blood of male goats?
14 Offer God (V)a sacrifice of thanksgiving
And (W)pay your vows to the Most High;
15 (X)Call upon Me on the day of trouble;
I will (Y)rescue you, and you will (Z)honor Me.”

16 But to the wicked God says,
“What right do you have to tell of My statutes
And to take (AA)My covenant in your mouth?
17 For you yourself (AB)hate discipline,
And you (AC)throw My words behind you.
18 When you see a thief, you (AD)become friends with him,
And [g]you (AE)associate with adulterers.
19 You [h](AF)let your mouth loose in evil,
And your (AG)tongue harnesses deceit.
20 You sit and (AH)speak against your brother;
You slander your own mother’s son.
21 These things you have done and (AI)I kept silent;
You thought that I was just like you;
I will (AJ)rebuke you and present the case before your eyes.

22 “Now consider this, you who (AK)forget God,
Or I will (AL)tear you in pieces, and there will be no one to save you.
23 He who (AM)offers a sacrifice of thanksgiving honors Me;
And to him who (AN)sets his way properly
I will (AO)show the salvation of God.”

A Contrite Sinner’s Prayer for Pardon.

For the music director. A Psalm of David, when [i]Nathan the prophet came to him, after he had gone in to Bathsheba.

51 (AP)Be gracious to me, God, according to Your faithfulness;
According to the greatness of (AQ)Your compassion, (AR)wipe out my wrongdoings.
(AS)Wash me thoroughly from my guilt
And (AT)cleanse me from my sin.
For I (AU)know my wrongdoings,
And my sin is constantly before me.
(AV)Against You, You only, I have sinned
And done what is (AW)evil in Your sight,
So that (AX)You [j]are justified [k]when You speak
And [l]blameless when You judge.

Behold, I was (AY)brought forth in guilt,
And in sin my mother conceived me.
Behold, You desire (AZ)truth in the [m]innermost being,
And in secret You will (BA)make wisdom known to me.
[n]Purify me (BB)with hyssop, and I will be clean;
[o]Cleanse me, and I will be (BC)whiter than snow.
[p]Let me hear (BD)joy and gladness,
Let the (BE)bones You have broken rejoice.
(BF)Hide Your face from my sins
And wipe out all my guilty deeds.

10 (BG)Create [q]in me a (BH)clean heart, God,
And renew a (BI)steadfast spirit within me.
11 (BJ)Do not cast me away from Your presence,
And do not take Your (BK)Holy Spirit from me.
12 Restore to me the (BL)joy of Your salvation,
And sustain me with a (BM)willing spirit.
13 Then I will (BN)teach wrongdoers Your ways,
And sinners will [r]be (BO)converted to You.

14 Save me from (BP)the guilt of bloodshed, God, (BQ)the God of my salvation;
Then my (BR)tongue will joyfully sing of Your righteousness.
15 Lord, [s](BS)open my lips,
So that my mouth may (BT)declare Your praise.
16 For You (BU)do not delight in sacrifice, otherwise I would give it;
You do not take pleasure in burnt offering.
17 The sacrifices of God are a (BV)broken spirit;
A broken and a contrite heart, God, You will not despise.

18 (BW)By Your favor do good to Zion;
[t](BX)Build the walls of Jerusalem.
19 Then You will delight in [u](BY)righteous sacrifices,
In (BZ)burnt offering and whole burnt offering;
Then [v]bulls will be offered on Your altar.

Futility of Boastful Wickedness.

For the music director. A [w]Maskil of David, [x]when Doeg the Edomite came and told Saul and said to him, “David has come to the house of Ahimelech.”

52 Why do you (CA)boast in evil, you mighty man?
The (CB)faithfulness of God endures all day long.
Your tongue devises (CC)destruction,
Like a (CD)sharp razor, (CE)you worker of deceit.
You (CF)love evil more than good,
(CG)Lies more than speaking what is right. Selah
You love all words that devour,
You (CH)deceitful tongue.

[y]But God will break you down forever;
He will snatch you up and (CI)tear you away from your tent,
And (CJ)uproot you from the (CK)land of the living. Selah
The righteous will (CL)see and fear,
And they will (CM)laugh at him, saying,
“Behold, the man who would not make God his refuge,
But (CN)trusted in the abundance of his riches
And (CO)was strong in [z]his evil desire.”

But as for me, I am like a (CP)green olive tree in the house of God;
I (CQ)trust in the faithfulness of God forever and ever.
I will (CR)praise You forever, because You have done it,
And I will wait on Your name, (CS)for it is good, in the presence of Your godly ones.

Foolishness and Wickedness of People.

For the music director; according to [aa]Mahalath. A [ab]Maskil of David.

53 (CT)The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.”
They are corrupt, and have committed abominable injustice;
(CU)There is no one who does good.
God has looked down from heaven upon the sons of mankind
To see if there is (CV)anyone who [ac]understands,
Who (CW)seeks after God.
(CX)Every one of them has turned aside; together they have become corrupt;
There is no one who does good, not even one.

Have the workers of injustice (CY)no knowledge,
Who eat up My people like they ate bread,
And have not called upon God?
They were in great [ad]fear there, (CZ)where no [ae]fear had been;
For God (DA)scattered the bones of [af]him who encamped against you;
You (DB)put them to shame, because (DC)God had rejected them.
Oh, that (DD)the salvation of Israel would come from Zion!
When God restores the fortunes of His people,
Jacob shall rejoice, Israel shall be glad.

Prayer for Defense against Enemies.

For the music director; on stringed instruments. A [ag]Maskil of David, [ah]when the Ziphites came and said to Saul, “Is David not keeping himself hidden among us?”

54 Save me, God, by (DE)Your name,
And [ai]vindicate me by (DF)Your power.
(DG)Hear my prayer, God;
(DH)Listen to the words of my mouth.
For strangers have (DI)risen against me
And (DJ)violent men have (DK)sought my [aj]life;
They have (DL)not set God before them. Selah

Behold, (DM)God is my helper;
The Lord is [ak]the (DN)sustainer of my soul.
[al]He will (DO)pay back the evil to my enemies;
[am](DP)Destroy them (DQ)in Your [an]faithfulness.

[ao](DR)Willingly I will sacrifice to You;
I will (DS)praise Your name, Lord, for it is good.
For [ap]He has (DT)saved me from all [aq]trouble,
And my eye has (DU)looked with satisfaction upon my enemies.

Prayer for the Destruction of the Treacherous.

For the music director; on stringed instruments. A [ar]Maskil of David.

55 (DV)Listen to my prayer, God;
And (DW)do not hide Yourself from my pleading.
Give Your (DX)attention to me and answer me;
I am restless in my (DY)complaint and [as](DZ)severely distracted,
Because of the voice of the enemy,
Because of the (EA)pressure of the wicked;
For they (EB)bring down [at]trouble upon me
And in anger they (EC)hold a grudge against me.

My (ED)heart is in anguish within me,
And the terrors of (EE)death have fallen upon me.
Fear and (EF)trembling come upon me,
And [au](EG)horror has [av]overwhelmed me.
I said, “Oh, that I had wings like a dove!
I would fly away and [aw](EH)be at rest.
Behold, I would flee far away,
I would (EI)spend my nights in the wilderness. Selah
I would hurry to my place of refuge
From the (EJ)stormy wind and heavy gale.”

Confuse them, Lord, (EK)divide their tongues,
For I have seen (EL)violence and strife in the city.
10 Day and night they go around her upon her walls,
And evil and harm are in her midst.
11 (EM)Destruction is in her midst;
(EN)Oppression and deceit do not depart from her [ax]streets.

12 For it is (EO)not an enemy who taunts me,
Then I could endure it;
Nor is it one who hates me who (EP)has exalted himself against me,
Then I could hide myself from him.
13 But it is you, a man [ay]my equal,
My (EQ)companion and my (ER)confidant;
14 We who had sweet [az]fellowship together,
(ES)Walked in the house of God among the commotion.
15 May [ba]death come (ET)deceitfully upon them;
May they (EU)go down alive to [bb]Sheol,
For evil is in their dwelling, in their midst.

16 As for me, I shall (EV)call upon God,
And the Lord will save me.
17 (EW)Evening and (EX)morning and at (EY)noon, I will complain and moan,
And He will hear my voice.
18 He will (EZ)redeem my soul in peace [bc]from the battle which is against me,
For they are (FA)many who are aggressive toward me.
19 God will (FB)hear and humiliate them—
Even the one (FC)who [bd]sits enthroned from ancient times— Selah
With whom there [be]is no change,
And who (FD)do not fear God.
20 He has put forth his hands against (FE)those who were at peace with him;
He has [bf](FF)violated his covenant.
21 His [bg]speech was (FG)smoother than butter,
But his heart was war;
His words were (FH)softer than oil,
Yet they were drawn (FI)swords.

22 (FJ)Cast your burden upon the Lord and He will sustain you;
(FK)He will never allow the righteous to [bh](FL)be shaken.
23 But You, God, will bring them down to the (FM)pit of destruction;
(FN)Men of bloodshed and deceit will (FO)not live out half their days.
But I will (FP)trust in You.

Pleading for Help and Grateful Trust in God.

For the music director; according to [bi]Jonath elem rehokim. A [bj]Mikhtam of David, [bk]when the Philistines seized him in Gath.

56 Be gracious to me, God, for a man has [bl](FQ)trampled upon me;
[bm]Fighting all day long he (FR)oppresses me.
My enemies have (FS)trampled upon me all day long,
For [bn]they are many who (FT)fight proudly against me.
[bo]When I am (FU)afraid,
[bp]I will (FV)put my trust in You.
(FW)In God, whose word I praise,
In God I have put my trust;
I shall not be afraid.
(FX)What can mere [bq]mortals do to me?
All day long they (FY)distort my words;
All their [br](FZ)thoughts are against me for evil.
They [bs](GA)attack, they lurk,
They (GB)watch my [bt]steps,
As they have (GC)waited to take my [bu]life.
Because of their wickedness, will there be an (GD)escape for them?
In anger (GE)make the peoples fall down, God!

You (GF)have taken account of my [bv]miseries;
Put my (GG)tears in Your bottle.
Are they not in (GH)Your book?
Then my enemies will (GI)turn back (GJ)on the day when I call;
This I know, [bw]that (GK)God is for me.
10 In God, whose word I praise,
In the Lord, whose word I praise,
11 In God I have put my [bx]trust, I shall not be afraid.
What can mankind do to me?
12 Your (GL)vows are binding upon me, God;
I will render thanksgiving offerings to You.
13 For You have (GM)saved my soul from death,
[by]Indeed (GN)my feet from stumbling,
So that I may (GO)walk before God
In the (GP)light of the [bz]living.


  1. Psalm 50 Title 1 Chr 15:17; 2 Chr 29:30
  2. Psalm 50:1 I.e., the east to the west
  3. Psalm 50:7 Or to
  4. Psalm 50:11 Or in My mind; lit with Me
  5. Psalm 50:12 Lit its fullness
  6. Psalm 50:13 Lit strong ones
  7. Psalm 50:18 Lit your part is with
  8. Psalm 50:19 Lit send
  9. Psalm 51 Title 2 Sam 12:1
  10. Psalm 51:4 Or may be in the right
  11. Psalm 51:4 Many mss in Your words
  12. Psalm 51:4 Lit pure
  13. Psalm 51:6 Or inward parts
  14. Psalm 51:7 Or May You purify...that I may be clean
  15. Psalm 51:7 Or May You cleanse
  16. Psalm 51:8 Or May You cause
  17. Psalm 51:10 Lit for
  18. Psalm 51:13 Or turn back
  19. Psalm 51:15 Or may You open
  20. Psalm 51:18 Or May You build
  21. Psalm 51:19 Or sacrifices of righteousness
  22. Psalm 51:19 Lit they will offer bulls
  23. Psalm 52 Title Possibly Contemplative; or Didactic; or Skillful Psalm
  24. Psalm 52 Title 1 Sam 22:9
  25. Psalm 52:5 Or Also
  26. Psalm 52:7 Or his destruction
  27. Psalm 53 Title I.e., sickness, a sad tone
  28. Psalm 53 Title Possibly Contemplative; or Didactic; or Skillful Psalm
  29. Psalm 53:2 Or acts wisely
  30. Psalm 53:5 Or dread
  31. Psalm 53:5 Or dread
  32. Psalm 53:5 Or possibly those
  33. Psalm 54 Title Possibly Contemplative; or Didactic; or Skillful Psalm
  34. Psalm 54 Title 1 Sam 23:19; 26:1
  35. Psalm 54:1 Lit judge
  36. Psalm 54:3 Or soul
  37. Psalm 54:4 Lit as those who sustain
  38. Psalm 54:5 LXX; MT The evil will return
  39. Psalm 54:5 Or Put to silence
  40. Psalm 54:5 Or truth
  41. Psalm 54:6 Or With a voluntary offering
  42. Psalm 54:7 Or it; i.e., His name
  43. Psalm 54:7 Or distress
  44. Psalm 55 Title Possibly Contemplative; or Didactic; or Skillful Psalm
  45. Psalm 55:2 Another reading is I must moan
  46. Psalm 55:3 Or wickedness
  47. Psalm 55:5 Lit shuddering
  48. Psalm 55:5 Lit covered
  49. Psalm 55:6 Lit settle down
  50. Psalm 55:11 Or plaza
  51. Psalm 55:13 Lit according to my valuation
  52. Psalm 55:14 Lit counsel; or intimacy
  53. Psalm 55:15 Another reading is devastation be upon them
  54. Psalm 55:15 I.e., the netherworld
  55. Psalm 55:18 Or so that none may approach me
  56. Psalm 55:19 Or remains from
  57. Psalm 55:19 Lit are no changes
  58. Psalm 55:20 Lit profaned
  59. Psalm 55:21 Lit mouth
  60. Psalm 55:22 Or totter
  61. Psalm 56 Title Or The silent dove of those who are far off; or The dove of the distant terebinths
  62. Psalm 56 Title Possibly Epigrammatic Poem; or Atonement Psalm
  63. Psalm 56 Title 1 Sam 21:10, 11
  64. Psalm 56:1 Or snapped at
  65. Psalm 56:1 Or A fighting man
  66. Psalm 56:2 Or many are fighting
  67. Psalm 56:3 Lit The day
  68. Psalm 56:3 Or I am one who puts
  69. Psalm 56:4 Lit flesh
  70. Psalm 56:5 Or purposes
  71. Psalm 56:6 Or stir up strife
  72. Psalm 56:6 Lit heels
  73. Psalm 56:6 Lit soul
  74. Psalm 56:8 Or wanderings
  75. Psalm 56:9 Or because
  76. Psalm 56:11 Or trust without fear
  77. Psalm 56:13 Or Have You not delivered
  78. Psalm 56:13 Or life